Questions tagged [heraldry]

Heraldry is the practice of designing, displaying, describing and recording coats of arms and heraldic badges. Historically, it has been variously described as "the shorthand of history" and "the floral border in the garden of history." The origins of heraldry lie in the need to distinguish participants in combat when their faces were hidden by iron and steel helmets. Eventually a formal system of rules developed into ever more complex forms of heraldry.

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16 votes
3 answers

What does the eighth samurai crest / symbol in this picture signify?

I would like to ask you all to explain the meaning of the 8-th symbol in this picture*: I would like to also know what are those symbols? Thank you very much. * Source:
Martin Nemeth's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

What is the origin of the rampant lion herald?

We often see the image of the rampant lion used as a symbol in heraldry and other places. I understand the significance of the lion, and I am aware that ancient art often incorporated the lion, but ...
dotancohen's user avatar
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Is this costume plate from Theatrum Orbis Terrarum correctly colored?

I have been spending some time lately going through some old atlases online, and noticed some discrepancies between some images coloration. We have noted on another question that the individual ...
justCal's user avatar
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6 votes
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What is the origin of the crest on this coat of arms found in a graveyard in the north of England?

While researching local history in the town of Cockermouth, in Cumbria, England, I came across the coat of arms below on a gravestone. The gravestone is listed on the Find a Grave website here, and is ...
CDJB's user avatar
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Why did the San Marco Marine Brigade adopt the winged lion of Venice?

The San Marco Marine Brigade of the Italian Navy adopted the winged lion of Venice — the Leone di San Marco — as its symbol, and the patron saint of Venice — San Marco himself — as its patron saint. ...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar