Questions tagged [infantry]

Branch of the land army, fighting on foot. One of the oldest fighting formation in history.

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Why do Italian and Portuguese Marines use naval ranks?

Arguably, most marine infantries use "land ranks", i.e., the ranks used by the ground forces, e.g., 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Lieutenant, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, etc. For example, 🇪🇸...
Rodrigo de Azevedo's user avatar
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What factors led to the differing attitude to (civil) engineering projects between Roman and Russian armies?

While this might sound like a bit of a leap (i.e., why should Roman armies and Russian armies have any similarities), the Romans were considered as one of the first civilizations to use as models (if ...
gktscrk's user avatar
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Time frame of Rita Indiana's video "Da Pa' lo' Do'" (Dominican Republic)

This question is about the history of the Dominican Republic. Look at the uniform shown in the beginning of Rita Indiana's video "Da Pa' lo' Do'," which means "There's enough for both," where "both" ...
aparente001's user avatar