First off, before reading mine, his ( non native Japanese but fluent ) --English ( British ) -- explanation is available at Youtube. The blog is obviously written by him.
For those who are interested in the quick answer, kindly take a look at his video. The left thing I have to do is....checking the original content and I present my counter argument.
I think this is a good question. The reason is because it is even agonizing many Japanese today. In the last post, I made an answer from the perspective of the amount of the production of iron ( ores ) and the then prevalent method to produce steel, Tatara, but I discarded my previous answer since I was not able to respond to my own question "Then why didn't Japanese Samurais use wooden shields like Scots did?" in the battle fields.
I googled in my country's site as "shield, Bushi ( samurais )" and interestingly, I came up with an explanation by a non native Japanese but who are so fluent and have enough knowledge and insight into Japanese history ( even he has his own armor lol ). So that I would like to develop my answer translating his blog gradually. ( Since it is too long, I would like to update gradually )
Blog by Metatron.
こんにちわ皆さん、Metatronです。 私が大学の頃に専攻していた分野の1つが日本史、それも古い時代のものでした。もちろんそれに併せて日本語も学んでいました。それにも関わらずこの世界の歴史や中世の戦争を扱ってきたYoutubeチャンネルで日本の歴史についてはあまり深く語ってこなかったのは自分でも理由が分かりませんが、先週フェイスブックでとある質問が来たので今回は日本の事を少し深く掘り下げてみたいと思います。その質問とは
Hello, everyone! My name is Metatron. One of the topics I majored in my university was Japanese history, especially about its old age. Yes, of course,
I learned Japanese in the course of the study. Now, I have no idea why Youtubers have not dealt with Japanese history even though they have been covering European history and its middle age battles, I would like to dig deep into it because I received a question on my Facebook. The question was
「Why didn't Japanese use shields in their battlefield?」
My most appropriate reply to it is
「As a matter of fact, they used it.」
I would like to show you 3 types of shields used in Japanese in my video ( *where is the video, is later. ) Now, before talking about them, I would like to refer to the common assertion "Japanese did not use shields at all". It is only applicable to ancient Japan, where considering unfortunately many less Japanese knowledge(ful) people associate Samurais as if they were the soldiers covering entire and whole Japanese history.
The age of Samurai ( or Bushi ( I Kentaro Tomono would like to use this word )) is, in a very rough and coarse way, is just from 10th to 17th century. Japanese history can not be described only by such a short period of time. There are many who don't mention before the appearance of Samurais aka Bushis even though chronically speaking there are many to tell before them, only few refer to them.
もちろんサムライは日本の戦争の歴史において非常に大きな役割を果たしていましたがそれより前に2つ、縄文時代(12000BC-300BC)と弥生時代(300BC-AD300)というとても重要な時代があります。この2つの時代では「手持ちの盾」はとても一般的であり、その時代の日本の歩兵はそれを使っていました。 右上の写真が今話しているものです。
It goes without saying that Samurai's role was very important in Japanese history, however, there are also important eras too, Jomon period ( 12,000BC-300BC ), Yayoi period ( 300BC - AD300 ), respectively. In these 2 eras, hand-held shields played a great important role. You can see the pictures of those shield upper-right corner of the picture above.
The above picture is the ritual ceremonial illustrating these ages.
These ceremonial events garner people to watch, but they not so popular compared with the counterparts of Samurais'. Samurais who are popular to native Japanese too, make their today's ritual events more entertaining than those of formers', collect more people to watch, including me.
Now, "correct" question is not "Why didn't Samurai use shields at battlefields" but rather be "Why did the hand-held shields drop off the favor by Japanese?"
Why did the hand-held shields drop off the favor by Japanese?
では5世紀に起きた出来事とは何か? それは馬の伝来です。これは状況を一変させました。以下を考慮してみてください。
In 5th century and 15th century, there occurred dramatic events respectively, which altered the Japanese battles between their clans ( I prefer to use "families" ).What happened in 15th century is quite commonly known. The imports of Tanegashima rifles or Matchlock rifles.. The unique and special weapon brought by Portuguees was copied in Japan and became produced in mass. The numbers of these rifles produced only in Japan surpassed the total aggregate of that of the entire Europe. Please do not forget, not only Ashigaru ( foot soldiers ) used the weapon, but also Samurai ( lords ) did too.
What happened in 5th century? It is an import of horses. This even changed entire Japan completely. Kindly consider the followings.
In ancient ( I think he is referring to Jomon era and Yayoi era he mentioned above ) age, there were peaceful periods, of course, but the normality is continuous battles between Japanese. The reason is simple. Japan, lacking the important resources for life, including ( arable ) lands. According to a Japanese historian, at that time, only 20% of Japanese entire land was cultivable. That means the battles in ancient ages in Japan meant not only for domination of areas, reigning areas but for survival itself.
Now, into such a country where battles are daily normality was imported, Horse.
And accordingly, horse riding soldiers were born. Horse riding soldiers are having the perfect dominance against foot soldiers, but Japanese had 2 choices. Either upgrade foot soldiers equipped with shields to match up with horse riding soldiers, or just select horse riding soldiers as military men. Japan selected the latter. Abandoning shields, accepting the horses they ride, and its final development was the Samurai. ( Here is important ( in my opinion ) ) Although, foot-soldiers became more important than horse riding Samurais in the later stage of battle in Japanese history. The U.K soldiers back then, ( when? ) used one handed sword, the reason why Japanese Samurais ( Bushis ) did not use shields will be described later on.
Shields Samurais continued to keep using.
この出来事により日本人は手で持つ盾を捨てたわけですがそれは盾自体を捨てた事を意味するわけではありません。侍全盛の時代においても盾は使われていました、ですがそれは地上に置いて用いる大型の「置盾」、中世イタリアのジェノヴァのクロスボウ使いが使用していた体全体を防護する大きくて重い長方形の盾であるPavise Shieldに近いものです。それは弓対策に、後に鉄砲対策に使われていました。所謂"持盾"ではありませんが盾なのは間違いありませんね。これが2つ目の盾です。
The incident which I described above ( import of horse ) only meant Japanese abandoned hand-held shields. But that does not mean they completely "dumped" shields. In the eras dominated by Samurais, "shields" were used but they were called 「Okitate」( such as this ( by Kentaro Tomono ) which is large and set at the ground, similar to the heavy, rectangular shaped shields "Pavise Shield" used in Italy at middle age by crossbow men to protect their body wholly. Though technically speaking they are not "hand-held" shields, they are "shields", am I wrong here? And this the second "shield" I mentioned.
And the "3rd" shield, is 「Sode」or 「Katayoroi」( Acutally, both means the shoulder plate which is used in ancient time. He might have probably meant to be
like this one. by Kentaro Tomono ) This (? ( probably below )) is the 「Sode」of the 16th century's Toseigusoku ( only in German available ) which I possess personally. Though, they are smaller than those of the previous age, you attach it at your shoulder. The main purpose of it is to defend from the attack by bows but can protect from bullets to some degree.
ではなぜ片手に盾を持ちもう片方にメインの武器を持つというスタイルではなく、盾を両肩に装着するようになったのでしょうか? 掲示板などでよく盾の大きさや重さのため扱いが難しい事が原因ではないかと語られていますがそれは間違いです。また盾というものは包括的用語であることを忘れてはなりません。
Why did samurais attach shoulder plates on both sides?
I would like to inquire into why Samurais attach shoulder plates rather than holding a sword with one hand and hold his shield with another hand? Widespread on the internet is shields are too heavy, too big to handle, so that they abandoned. That is wrong. And please be reminded "shields" mean so broadly.
Old roman Scutum
Kite Shield
Buckler ( left ) and Pavisive Shiled ( mentioned above ).
For example, the Old Roman Empire's Scutum which covers the defender's body wholly is one of the shields buclers and the medium sized Kite Shields which Normans used and Okitate which I mentioned before were all shields. The Scutum was very effective but hard to handle with ( although in my opinion the Scutum is not so hard to handle with ) Shields such as the rounded one Vikings used and small bucklers enables the handler for more agile movement and can be used not only for the protection but also for the attack. If Samurai had such a small, medium sized shields. then they would have no problem to equip with at all.
Other things I hear a lot is Japanese preferred two-handed weapons. In reality too actually, Japanese used a lot such as spears, Naginatas, , swords, broad swords, and bows in the course of history. These weapons had definite influence on why Japanese did not use shields ( small or medium or whatever. )
But the problem ( why the shield fell out of favor of Japanese samurai ) is not
because of their preference at all.
When we hear the word "Samurai", we imagine a soldier with a sword, but their main weapon was bow. Japanese samurais were bowmen different from European Knights.Bows can not be handled with shield, different from swords and spears.
And I think that is the main reason why Japanese did not have the hand-held shield.
刀は片手で扱う事も一応できましたしその様に使われたこともありました。(実際には刀は戦場において主要な武器ではなく2次的、3次的な武器でした。) また古代ギリシャのファランクスが槍と盾を併用していたように槍を片手で扱う戦法も歴史上存在しました。ですが弓と手に持つタイプの盾の併用は困難です。剣と盾を持って戦うか、それとも弓を使うことを重視し持盾を捨てるか、日本人は後者を選択したわけです。先ほどの鎧を見ても構造的に弓が扱いやすいものになっていると理解できるでしょう。
Swords were/can be used singly handedly ( In the "real" battle field, swords were secondary or third option weapon. ) As is in a case in ancient Greece, Phalanx used spears with one hand and shield with another hand. Though, the combination of bow and shield was quite challenging. Either you pick a sword with one hand and shield with another hand or using bow only, Japanese chose latter. You can deduct from the look of the armor I previously showed that the armor itself fits with bow attack.
My opinion is, as a result for Japanese samurais to have selected bows as their main weapon, they "attached" "their shield" "on them", which led them to think it unnecessary to hold a hand-held shield and used both hands' weapons.
The roles and the usages of Japanese armors
Lastly, let me talk about Japanese armors. While Old Romans used shield as their main defense tool and their armors, Lorica as their secondary defense tool, to Japanese armors were the main defense tool.
Before entering into further discussion, I would like to show you how Japanese armors were, using the ToseiGusoku ( the armors around late 16th ( Kentaro Tomono )) I have as an illustration. These armors are designed to not only use the both hands' weapons such as spears and swords, but as well as bows. As you can see my picture above, I can so broadly move my arms, even allowing me to perform like a bowman.
When Ashigarus or Samurais try to penetrate into with their spears, the opponent counter attacks with bows. Now Japanese bows have lighter draw weight ( weight at bow's length ( Kentaro Tomono ), thus their aim is expected to penetrate into unhinged parts of Samurais' armors because otherwise they can not go into. There are unprotected spots due to the mobility-first structures of Japanese armors.
Thus, those who try to penetrate with spears incline their body and head forward a little bit and turn their body ( probably to right if the soldier is right handed ( Kentaro Tomono ) half with their shoulder plates front ward. By doing this, putting their helmet and shoulder plates forward protects themselves from bow attacks.
When opponents come so close to you, it might sound strange though, Ashigarus or Samurais moved up their helmet further frontward, because the helmet is the most secure, thus enabling them to defend against the spear points and arrows as is illustrated above.
These kinds of tactics are nor rare, same kinds can be observed for medieval jousting by the knights in Europe then.
The front part of the helmets for jousting comprises of only 1 plate and it was considered that part should be protected first.
Therefore, European knights "opened" their body upwards right before they come across each other like above so that protection can be at the highest and to protect the peeping hole which is not protected. Even if the tip of the spearhead flies into their body, they could duck the attack. Japanese Samurai's downward bending style is similar to this method, I think.
My counterargument and approval.
1 He doesn't apparently know much about spears especially in 16th century when
the battles were so fierce.
Nagae yari (long shafted spear) 16.4 to 19.7 ft (5.0 to 6.0 m) long, a type of pike used by ashigaru.13 It was especially used by Oda clan ashigaru since the reign of Oda Nobunaga; samurai tradition of the time held that the soldiers of the rural province of Owari were among the weakest in Japan. Indeed, Kantō was a chaotic place; Kansai was home to the Shogunate, and the Uesugi, Takeda, Imagawa, and Hojo clans, as well as pirate raiders from Shikoku. Additionally, Kyushu was home of one of the most warmongering clans in Japan, the Shimazu clan. Because of this, Nobunaga armed his underperforming Ashigaru soldiers extra-long pikes in order for them to be more effective against armoured opponents and cavalry, and fighting in groups and formations.
His spear seems to be that of ancient ages. Zohyo Monogatari ( In Japanese ( Story by Ashigaru ( foot-soldiers )), tells the same thing.
① Do not think spears are the weapons to push ( thrust / shove ) the enemy.
② Integrate all the spearmen's mind and arrange your spearheads in one line and
hit the enemies' spears from above in one action.
③ For ②, do not consider to push/thrust then. However, when the enemies is only one or two person(s), it would be O.K.
④ When you try to hit the enemies from above, try to do so as if trying to hit
the flags they have behind them.
⑤ When you attack enemies riding horse, first, hit the body of the horse and at the instance when the horse jumps up, and consequently after the enemies fall off the horse, attack the enemy.
So there were even 15-20 feet spears back then whereas the height of Japanese was in average around 5.2 or 5.3.
But there were short spears too. They were used for narrow range battles, their length were about 6 feet. And there were the "middle" size spears, their size were around 10 feet to 12.
But regardless of the size, spears were bothhanded weapons, which unabled Samurais or Ashigarus to hold hand held shields.
So essentially say, I would like to approve overall his -- potential -- theory in which he holds Japanese Samurais inclined their body so that their most heavily armored parts be pushed forward to protect their body, regardless if it was true or not. ( I will make more research into it. ) since, spears, even though they were short spears ( could be handled by one hand ) or long spears ( 4-5 times the size of the handlers' was too long to use by one hand. ), most spears were considered to be used by both hands. ( Take a look at the Zohyo Monogatari where it says, spears should not be used to "penetrate" "push" "thrust" but rather to "bend from above", which requires the control by both hands.
Upgraded later on.