The Luxembourg village of Schengen is noted for being the site where European leaders signed the historic Schengen Agreement. The village is named for its 1390 castle.

Where does the name "Schengen" originally come from? Does "Schengen" means anything in German or Luxembourgish?

1 Answer 1


I found this: http://www.etymologie.info/~e/l_/lu-gr.html

Der Name des Ortes "Schengen" (im Großherzogtum Luxemburg (Kanton Remich), der Namensgeberin für das "Schengener Abkommen", engl. "Schengen Treaty", "Schengen Agreement", 1985) soll keltischen Ursprungs sein und auf kelt. "scen" = dt. "Schilfwasser" zurück gehen. Im Jahr 877 erscheint der Name des Ortes erstmals als "Sceidingas".

In brief: It is considered to come from a Celtic word for "reed water".

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