In doing some research, I came across this obituary in "The Sabbath Recorder"
At his residence in Hopkinton, R. I., Sept. 18th, Deacon Daniel Babcock, in his 85th year of his age, and the 59th year of his office in the church, where he was a leader of the choir for about 50 years. He was early elected to different offices in the State Government, which he held and honored until his age disqualified him for holding office. He was forward in every benevolent enterprise undertaken by the church, and possesed a warm and tender heart towards lost sinners. In his death the poor have lost a peculiar friend, his children an indulgent and kind counsellor and father, his widow an affectionate husband, and the church a pillar in the spiritual temple.
I find this to be ambiguous wording. Are they referring to a legal disqualification or to de facto disqualification due to infirmity, senility, etc.? Are there any instances of de jure age limits anywhere in the United States? Any precedent from British law?