Across the country, meaning only looking at victims in Germany and not the Nazi occupied territories, these were mainly Socialists, Communists, Jews, “gypsies”, certain religious groups, homosexuals, mentally handicapped people, pastors and priests who publicly voiced their resentment of the Nazis, German women who had a relationship with anyone deemed worthless by the Nazis, people in resistance, people who were considered to be antisocial.
The following Nazi graphic shows the markings on concentration camp prisoner's clothing. The markings indicate the main groups into which the Nazis classified the prisoners.
The following table displays the translations provided in the comments the same way they appear in the original image for easier visual reference. Title, subtitle, graphics and annotations in the example image are not included.
| political | professional | emigrants | Bible students | Homosexuals | Anti-social
| | criminals | |i.e. Jehovah's Witnesses| |
Basic | | | | | |
colours | | | | | |
Badge for | | | | | |
reoffenders | | | | | |
Inmates of the | | | | | |
penal company | | | | | |
Badge for Jews | | | | | |
Special badges | Jewish racial | Female racial | Danger | Inmate Number |
| disgrace | disgrace | of escape | |
| Pole | Czech | Member of | Inmate Ia |
| | |the Wehrmacht| |