Speaking of metropolitan France (the 'Hexagone' + Corsica), when was France fully liberated of German occupying forces at the end of World War II?
We all know of the D-Day landings in Normandy in June 1944, the liberation of Paris in August 1944. There is also the lesser known Operation Dragoon, the Allied invasion of Southern France also in August. Then comes the Battle of the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge) and the crossing of the Rhine somewhere in early 1945.
But I am vaguely aware of some pockets of German resistance in some French cities, which held for quite a few months.
At what precise date, if known, was France fully liberated? For the last few months of the war, month by month, which pockets of German fighting forces remained in France?
The question is mainly about metropolitan France. If we include France's colonial empire in Africa and Asia, what would the picture be?
I couldn't find any wikipedia article which provides a clear timeline of the liberation of France.
[Edit: following the first answer to this question, excluding the pockets of German resistance on the Atlantic, I wonder at what date the German army was last pushed back beyond France's eastern border, i.e. beyond the current borders between France and, from North to South: Belgium, Luxemburg and Germany itself.]