What are the approximate dimensions of The Yeomans' House, Bignor, West Sussex, England?
4How "approximate" are you happy with? You can take a guess at the stone base at 3-4ft, the upper and lower storeys at ~6ft each and the roof at about 10-12ft. Front to back 12-15ft and the frontage 35-40ft.– KillingTimeCommented Jul 28, 2018 at 7:55
2Some quick& dirty google maps measurements suggest that the roof is 7*20 meters.– b.LorenzCommented Jul 28, 2018 at 9:34
Bananas were not available in that time period in England. We'll just never know.– SchwernCommented Aug 2, 2018 at 21:34
@Schwern It seems you are correct. The house is from the Tudor period, late 1400s, while the first recorded banana appearance in England was on April 10th, 1633!– smcsCommented May 22, 2019 at 8:59
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From Google Maps:
I've positioned the cottage bottom right in the map, against the scale. You can see that it's roughly 15 m wide and can infer the depth from that.
It's loose and fast, but it's an approximation at least.