Prostitutes today are not generally viewed with respect - certainly many (most?) people would be rather offended if someone suggested they become a prostitute, or if their children choose to become prostitutes.
Has there ever been a society in which this was the reverse? That is, a society which viewed prostitutes with the respect a doctor might be given today?
The obvious place to search for an answer is Wikipedia's page on the History of Prostitution. Much of it is irrelevant to this question, but occasionally it touches on the topic of prestige. However it seems prostitutes were never very prestigious even if the profession was socially accepted. For example in Ancient Rome:
Prostitutes played a role in several Roman religious observances, mainly in the month of April, over which the love and fertility goddess Venus presided. While prostitution was so widely accepted, prostitutes were often considered shameful. Most were slaves or former slaves, or if free by birth relegated to the infames, people lacking in social standing and deprived of the protections that most citizens under Roman law received.
More recently:
Prostitution in the American West was a growth industry that attracted sex workers from around the globe where they were pulled in by the money, despite the harsh and dangerous working conditions and low prestige.
An alternative approach is to consider what could possibly cause prostitution to be viewed as prestigious. Since barriers to entry are low, if it ever were prestigious, everyone would be a prostitute and it'd cease to be prestigious. This implies that there needs to be some kind of barrier that separates the very desirable job from the common one, even if they do the same thing. This suggests sacred prostitutes might be an answer. However from Wikipedia's article it doesn't seem so, in fact in some societies people had to be forced to become sacred prostitutes. In Ancient Greece:
In the temple of Apollo at Bulla Regia, a woman was found buried with an inscription reading: "Adulteress. Prostitute. Seize (me), because I fled from Bulla Regia." It has been speculated she might be a woman forced into sacred prostitution as a punishment for adultery.
More recently:
In Southern India and the eastern Indian state of Odisha, devadasi is the practice of hierodulic prostitution, with similar customary forms such as basavi, and involves dedicating pre-pubescent and young adolescent girls from villages in a ritual marriage to a deity or a temple, who then work in the temple and function as spiritual guides, dancers, and prostitutes servicing male devotees in the temple. Human Rights Watch reports claim that devadasis are forced into this service and, at least in some cases, to practice prostitution for upper-caste members.
The last section of the article, "Modern Views", does claim that the sacred prostitute "was seen as a powerful person", but it doesn't seem to match the description in the rest of the article.
I'm looking for cases where society considers the entire profession as prestigious - not individual prostitutes such as Julia Bulette.