This settlement in the Marches was the site of a battle in which Owain Glyndwr was the victor. There is a small church and a holy well that was a focus for pilgrims. I need background information about who lived nearby. Answers might be that there was a monastery which held the land, there was a manor house nearby held from a Marcher lord (Mortimer?). I have looked at the Mortimer Society and contacted local history societies without any result as yet. (I'm a writer planning a children's story and I can make up what is not known but I want to find out what is known first!) Even information on what is likely to have been the situation would help.

  • 2
    Mortimer seems like a good bet. Ralph of Mortimer was tenant-in-chief at Pilleth during the time of the Domesday Book and the Mortimer family retains its holdings in the area. Edmund Mortimer was captured in the very battle (which I assume is why you thought of them to begin with?)
    – SPavel
    Commented Mar 14 at 21:47
  • Thank you. I had assumed that would be the case as he had a seat (if that's the right word) at Wigmore nearby. So what would have been the likely situation on the ground? Small farm(s) held from Mortimer, a manor house held from Mortimer with villeins working strips? Would there have been a priest at the church or was it run by monks from nearby? Where if so – the nearest I can find is Cwmhir about 16 miles away (I've contacted the present vicar at Pilleth – nothing as yet). If it is all “not known” I can make it up! Otherwise I want to get it right. Commented Mar 16 at 14:57


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