I am reading through the Wiktionnaire page for opposé. More specifically, I am reading through the definitions of the "Adjectif" section.
I can translate the definitions into English without too much difficulty. I even found equivalent terms in English for most of them. However, the one definition of "opposé" that has me stumped is the following.
(Héraldique) (Rare) Se dit de meubles dont l’orientation est inversée par rapport à celle des autres meubles.
(Heraldry) (Rare) Said of charges whose orientation is inverted in relation to that of other charges.
I am tempted to translate it as "opposite", but I am not sure. After all, heraldry has a specialized glossary of terms.
Speaking of glossaries, I have found online glossaries of terms for heraldry. Some of them even list the French equivalent next to the English term. Unfortunately, I have not been able to find "opposé" in those glossaries. The fact that it is a rare word may have something to do with it.
I am told that there are heraldry enthusiasts here. If they know what the equivalent of "opposé" is in English, I hope that they step forward and tell me.