After reading this BBC article about the new SACEUR, General Philip Breedlove, United States Air Force, it occurred to me that SACEUR has always been an American officer.
Supreme Allied Commander Europe (In order of appointment)
Dwight D. Eisenhower, U.S. Army
General Matthew Ridgway, U.S. Army
General Alfred Gruenther, US. Army
General Lauris Norstad, U.S. Air Force
General Lyman Lemnitzer, U.S. Army
General Andrew Goodpaster, U.S. Army
General Alexander M. Haig, Jr., U.S. Army
General Bernard W. Rogers, U.S. Army
General John Galvin, U.S. Army
General John Shalikashvili, U.S. Army
General George Joulwan, U.S. Army
General Wesley Clark, U.S. Army
General Joseph Ralston, U.S. Air Force
General James L. Jones, U.S. Marine Corps
General Bantz J. Craddock, U.S. Army
Admiral James G. Stavridis, U.S. Navy
General Philip M.Breedlove, U.S. Air Force
Further research showed that 19 of the Deputy SACEUR have been British with the remainder being German.
Having looked on the website of SHAPE (Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe) the reason for SACEUR always being American is explained as:
- The United States remains the strongest military power within the Alliance.
- Having an American officer in charge of the Alliance's military operations symbolises the continuing commitment of the United States to the defence of Europe and reassures those European nations concerned about potential threats to their security.
- Nuclear weapons remain the ultimate weapon of deterrence for the Alliance, and because the bulk of these weapons come from the United States, it is important to have an American officer in command.
Side Note: To balance the leading role played by Americans in the command structure, other key NATO positions have been reserved for non-Americans.
Source: SHAPE
This explains the reasons relatively clearly, but it seems a bit like "We have the most and biggest guns so we're in charge" kinda thing. What I'd like to know is:
When NATO was originally formed was there any resistance to the setting of the precedent that the President of the United States nominated SACEUR, and that SACEUR would always be American?
Where there any political reasons for SACEUR being American beyond the Americans wanting to retain control of a force that heavily comprised of their troops and wanting to retain tactical control of their nuclear weaponry?
Why is it that only British and German officers have served as his Deputy? and who chooses the Deputy SACEUR?