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Questions tagged [15th-century]

The 15th century began on January 1, 1401, and ended on December 31, 1500.

8 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What's the story behind the making of the Complutensian Polyglot Bible?

The Complutensian Polyglot Bible was the first printed polyglot of the entire Bible and was, from what I can gather, a pretty complex scholarly effort in which many different scholars had to come ...
openmedi's user avatar
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How much of a symbiotic relationship was there between the Renaissance and the Printing Press?

Both the Renaissance and the Printing Press are dated to be around the 14th century. While the first Printing Press was in 1436 (Johannes Gutenberg), the Renaissance is also supposed to start around a ...
shirish's user avatar
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History about Triplex Plate Armour?

An example of triplex plate armour was discovered and dated to the War of the Roses at the Royal Armoury of Leeds. They even had a reproduction made by A Plaisance Armouries for a crossbow and musket ...
J. Doe's user avatar
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Are there any sources which talk about the experience of attending a 15th/16th century fencing school?

I'm interested to know of any material which describes the experience of being a student at a medieval period fencing school e.g. once which may have been run by a Master teaching in the Lichtenauer ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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Are there any examples of mercenaries receiving title and land in medieval Hungary for services rendered?

I am mostly interested in examples from the 15th century. Could a former mercenary from the Black Army earn a title such as baron or count (alongside a piece of land) for serving the king (or one of ...
Ricardo Maia's user avatar
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Are there any estimates of military spending as a percentage of total government expenditure anywhere in 15th century Europe?

A little piece of information stuck in my head about the military expenditure. Namely, the current expenditure on the military is incredibly low when compared to that in the middle ages. I am not sure,...
Alexei's user avatar
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When were differing hemispheric seasons first understood?

When did people - scientists or philosophers - first realise/discover/understand that the seasons in the southern hemisphere were the opposite to those in the northern hemisphere? Additionally, when ...
Phillip Derone's user avatar
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Was the term connoisseur used during the 1400s?

I need to know if the title connoisseur was used in the 1400's. Connoisseur meaning an expert in art who could judge such art. I tried some research but didn't seem to be able to find anything
scratchy151002's user avatar