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Questions tagged [antisemitism]

Questions related to the history of hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group.

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-3 votes
1 answer

Why was the German Jewish population declining so much that some statisticians predicted its disappearance even before the 3rd Reich?

I was reading Hannah Arendt's Origins of Totalitarianism where she claims that German Jewry was declining at such fast rates that for their raw numbers the Holocaust could be seen as statistically '...
Ash Rivers's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Did Nazi party members request exemption for their pre-war Jewish acquaintances?

So I heard this tale from a teacher many years ago, but cannot find much about it on the internet. The story as far as I remember is as follows: That Goebbels complained on many occasions about the ...
Neutrino's user avatar
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Why was anti-semitism such a central issue in German politics? [duplicate]

Provided that the Jewish population was not more than 0,76% why the presence of Jews was considered such an important problem in German politics and culture from the middle of the 19th century till ...
veronika's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

To what extent is the Catholic church responsible for historical Antisemitism in Europe? [closed]

Jews faced a great deal of Antisemitism, as defined by radically different treatment compared to their Christian counterparts, with particular attention to violence, throughout their history. ...
Shmuel Newmark's user avatar
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Did Rafael Lemkin predict antisemitic mass murders before WWII?

I recall from reading Phillipe Sands East West Street that Raphael Lemkin (who would later term the word Genocide) drew paralells between the Armenian Genocide and the disenfranchisment of Jews in ...
mart's user avatar
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What caused the rise of international anti-semitism during the early 20th century? [closed]

In the years before 1914 violent pogroms were directed against Jews, who were made scapegoats for the problems of the Russian Empire. The flight of Jews from the east, first to escape the violent ...
Wottensprels's user avatar
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If Nietzsche was against anti-semitism, how did he become an inspiration to Hitler? [closed]

I recently read that Nietzsche was against anti-semitism, though I understand that that doesn't exempt him from being anti-Judaism (though, I'm not entirely sure how one would distinguish the two). ...
P...'s user avatar
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Were communists opposed to Jews in France?

After reading the very insightful question to what extent were the Jewish persecuted during the Soviet Union and its first two answers reminded me my high school History classes to the extent that the ...
Revolucion for Monica's user avatar
4 votes
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To what extent were practitioners of Judaism persecuted during the Soviet Union?

I know that as a result of the policy that atheism was to be the only public religion, the Soviet Union did their best to attack Christianity. However, I am interested in knowing the extent that ...
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30 votes
6 answers

What are the text and subtext of this 1949 Soviet cartoon?

Over on Wikipedia, we find this cover from the March 1949 issue of Soviet satire mag Krokodil: The person who uploaded it to Wikipedia captioned it "Antisemitic caricature of rootless cosmopolitan." ...
Quuxplusone's user avatar
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Why is the Arch of Titus not considered to be anti-Semitic?

The Roman emperor Titus ran havoc in Jerusalem in the First Jewish-Roman War, when not only resident Jews but also a lot of pilgrims from Egypt and Babylon were trapped in a chaotic siege (Flavius ...
Failed Scientist's user avatar
1 vote
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What is 'redemptive anti-Semitism'? [closed]

Redemptive anti-Semitism is a theory expounded by Saul Friedländer. According to Wikipedia: he maintains that Nazi anti-semitism was distinctive for being “redemptive anti-semitism”, namely a ...
marcellothearcane's user avatar
9 votes
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Were there moves to make anti-miscegenation laws apply to Jews in the USA?

The laws applied to not only Blacks but also Asians. At one time I think Chinese in the USA could not effectively marry at all due to immigration policy. Jews could legally be discriminated against in ...
Jeff's user avatar
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5 votes
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Did the Nazis ever cite Martin Luther's "The Jews and their lies" to justify the holocaust?

Did the Nazis ever cite Martin Luther's "The Jews and their lies" to justify the Holocaust and their generally antisemitic ideas? I've been looking and thus far haven't found much, just wondering if ...
Tirous's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews?

This is a cross question from Quora: What was Pope Sylvester's attitude towards Jews? When searching for this issue I just did find newspaper articles without citing anything. Celebrating an anti-...
David Michael Gang's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What is the evidence to repudiate this version of the "stab in the back" myth?

The Stab in the Back Myth Among claims that need context and checking: The Jewish Lord Rothschild used his connections with American Jewry to get America into the war. This was, of course, very ...
Jacob Blaustein's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

How wide-spread was antisemitism in the USA during WWII?

Richard Feynman writes in Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman, chapter Who stole the door, that: At MIT the different fraternities all had "smokers" where they tried to get the new freshmen to be ...
Probably's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Are there any antisemitic caricatures from France during the interwar period?

I am looking for antisemitic caricatures in France between the two World Wars. I can find examples both from before and after, e.g. ones related to the Dreyfus case, but none during this period. Are ...
Gilles Bonnet's user avatar
6 votes
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Anti-Semitism and Edmund Burke

Are there any historical references to Edmund Burkes' views on anti-Semitism? His works specifically deal with the British governance, and legal systems' that could guide the UK through the turbulent ...
user11662's user avatar
3 votes
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Antisemitism in Nazi Germany [closed]

I was wondering about this for quite a while: Antisemitism is something that is quite unbelievable for us nowadays, so: on what was this antisemitism actually based? I also know that there has always ...
Xin Wang's user avatar
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Who were the traders involved in the triangular slave trade in France? [closed]

There is currently a big polemic in French news media about antisemitism. A French comedian is accused to propagate antisemitic ideas in France. I have no intention to propagate this polemic on this ...
Xoff's user avatar
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4 answers

Was Rommel anti-semitic?

I've heard that he was not. Later, I've heard that he would have joined the fray if not because of political consideration. I forgot the source.
user4951's user avatar
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Was there discrimination against Jewish people at the entrance exams to the most prestigious universities in the USSR?

The most prestigious universities in the USSR discriminated against Jewish applicants. Tanya Khovanova (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA) wrote: This is a special ...
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