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Questions tagged [byzantine-empire]

The Byzantine Empire was an Empire in Southern and Eastern Europe, West Asia, and North Africa. Originally the Eastern portion of the Roman Empire, the Byzantine empire is typically dated from May 11, 330 AD. until 1453 when the capital of the empire Constantinople fell to Mehmet II of Ottoman Empire.

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Why did the Byzantine military strength decline? [closed]

At the start and peak of the glory of the Byzantine Empire, it had more than 350,000 well-trained soldiers at the time of Justinian I. But the size of the army declined heavily over the period from ...
Ethan Chan's user avatar
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How was Christmas celebrated in early Byzantium?

I haven't been able to find any information regarding Christmas in Eastern Rome from before the tenth century. Literally any information regarding the celebration of Christmas in the fifth and sixth ...
Giraffeshavelongnecks's user avatar
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What were the personal tax rates in the Byzantine Empire during the 6th and 7th centuries?

What were the tax rates per person in the Byzantine Empire during the 6th and 7th centuries? My findings: wikipedia: Byzantine Economy (has no information regarding the tax rate per person of the ...
Sakib Arifin's user avatar
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What was the general idea of the 'Theme' system that the Byzantines employed? [closed]

I have heard that the Theme system was effective until some disaster, but what did it actually do? What was it supposed to do?
aea2o5's user avatar
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How is the Byzantine(Eastern Roman) different from Western Roman? [closed]

At peak time Roman Empire was superpower of the world but It have two Empires at same time. Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantine) Western Roman Empire My Question is who was more powerful then other. and ...
xitas's user avatar
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What is the Greek inscription on the Nicaea gate?

I was visiting the historic city of Nicaea (Iznik) in Turkey this August and studied it's history. I noticed the entrance gate at the southern wall of the city which was built by the Romans. The same ...
0tyranny0poverty's user avatar
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Historical documents of Mount Athos

I have heard of a project of cataloging and digitizing of all of Mount Athos documents. Is there a website to find more information about this project, and to follow its progress? I'm having a hard ...
nyg's user avatar
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Why did the Ottomans rebuild Byzantine gates to a smaller format?

It's very perplexing to me. Here are some examples:
user1095108's user avatar
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Until what time was the Ancient Roman calendar era used?

Until what time was the Ancient Roman calendar era, based on the founding of Rome, used? Or what was the latest historical event that was mentioned in chronicles with an Ab Urbe Condita year?
Milchar's user avatar
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How was the Roman Empire officially referred to by contemporaries throughout the 1st to 6th centuries AD?

I understand that the notion of state in the specified period was different from the modern one and maybe was gradually changing over time. However, I still believe that contemporary sources ...
Eldritch Sandwich's user avatar
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Where was the Church of SS John and Phocas in Constantinople?

There's a brief line in Marcus Rautman's book, "Daily Life in the Byzantine Empire", in a passage on independent scribes. It refers to a "Theodore" who lived near John-and-Phocas ...
Justin Miller's user avatar
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Did the Byzantine Empire persecute Christian sects?

In popular culture, Hollywood movies, etc. the Roman-Catholic Church is often portrayed as having persecuted Christians that did not agreed with official Church dogma. Think of the Inquisition, ...
Dan's user avatar
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Schism of 1054 - what were the positions of Jerusalem, Alexandria and Antioch?

Q1 Given that the validity of the Western legates' act is doubtful since Pope Leo had died and Cerularius' excommunication only applied to individuals, why was the schism allowed to continue to the ...
onepound's user avatar
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How were cities administered in the Middle Byzantine Empire (641-1081)? [closed]

So I have found something about urban administration of cities in the Roman Republic and the feudal kingdoms. But how were cities administered in the Middle Byzantine Empire? Did they have Imperial ...
Aldarion Telcontar's user avatar
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How would a wealthy merchant have addressed a Byzantine Quaestor?

If we rely on this site in modern Greek, which in turn is based on the 9th century kletorologion of Philotheos, the quaestor at that time was responsible for judging cases involving wills. Thus, a ...
Ludi's user avatar
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Is it true that the term "Byzantine" is less present in historians of Protestant tradition? [closed]

Trying to answer the question Why did the term "Byzantine Empire" enter common usage instead of "Eastern Roman Empire" or "Roman Empire", I find a presentation by the ...
cipricus's user avatar
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How large was a Byzantine administrative Bandon?

Wikipedia states that in the Byzantine context a Bandon could denote a cavalry unit of 300, a military unit of 200-400 or an administrative unit. It further claims that originally the military and ...
Ludi's user avatar
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What is/was the correct pronunciation of Byzantine? [closed]

When I first came across the Byzantine Empire in books I assumed that it was pronounced as it was spelled (i.e. bih-zan-tin or baɪ zən tɪn in IPA). However I have since heard many people, including ...
Stumbler's user avatar
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What were the differences between the Sieges of Constantinople in 678, 717, and 1453, inc. Greek Fire? [closed]

Constantinople repelled the sieges of 678 and 717 with Greek fire. What were the differences between the Byzantine army/navy in 678/717 versus 1453, and how did the Arab army/navy differ from the ...
NobleUplift's user avatar
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How did contemporaries view the Byzantine Empire during the 11th century?

I'm curious about how the Byzantine empire was viewed by contemporaries during the Middle Ages (11th century). By contemporaries, I mean the other powers of the era, such as Western European countries,...
Ethan Chan's user avatar
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Have the Arabs ever conquered Kayseri?

Is there any source that describes any battle for Kayseri during the Arab-Byzantine wars especially during Yazid ibn Muawiya's reign? I am certain there was a battle in the vicinity of Kayseri, even ...
λExpression's user avatar
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What uncertainties and questions surround the death of Attila?

Merriam-Webester's Concise Encyclopedia says Attila died on his wedding night, possibly murdered by his bride. What uncertainty does the word possibly imply there about the death of Attila?
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Was Constantinople in Europe or Asia during the Eastern Roman Empire Period?

Was Constantinople in Europe or Asia during the Eastern Roman Empire Period? (not modern) Thanks!
Omega Krypton's user avatar
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Christian and Etruscan end of times [closed]

I believe I've read somewhere, that the Etruscans (anymore knows any sources?) devoted ever more thought to the afterlife, as the Roman republic encroached on their territory. Similarly the Romans ...
user1095108's user avatar
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Where is Ivan the Terrible's Library?

During the confusion surrounding the capture of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453, the library of the Byzantine Paleologi Emperors was sent north to Moscow and installed by Ivan III under the ...
Scott Zema's user avatar
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Is there any historical evidence that Sultan Mehmed II bought the Hagia Sophia? [closed]

Due to current events regarding the status of Hagia Sophia, I have heard from some people, saying that Sultan Mehmed II bought the Hagia Sophia before using it as a mosque. I have searched for proof, ...
Rep's user avatar
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Why didn't the Byzantines develop anti-cavalary tactics?

I noticed that Rome has always fought against equestrian nations and they weren't always successful. Gauls, Parthians, Huns and Turks had many battles with the Romans. I heard that the Romans before ...
EmperorCinnamon's user avatar

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