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Questions tagged [charles-v]

Charles V was the ruler of the Holy Roman Empire from 1519-1556 AD. He was also the ruler of Spain from 1516-1556 AD under the name Charles I.

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6 answers

Did native Mexicans prefer Spanish rulers to the Aztecs?

In his letter to Charles V, Hernan Cortes states that it was only necessary to threaten to return them [the natives] to their native masters in order to make them serve the Spaniards very willingly. ...
Nikolay Nenov's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Westernmost and easternmost locations that Charles V visited in his empire?

Charles V (1500 – 1558) famously was ruler over an "empire on which the sun never set". It included large parts of Europe and also colonies in the new world. Charles V was born in the Low Countries ...
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