Questions tagged [church]

Questions related to houses of worship.

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What is the source for the Middle age tale, "Falling off a church and surviving by falling on someone"?

I'm looking for the original story of a tale I've been told years ago back in high school by my history teacher. A worker in France was working on a church and lost his balance and fell. He landed on ...
Arno van der Weijden's user avatar
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Was it inappropriate in 19th century Canada to wear flowers in a hat to church?

(Not sure if this should be on the Literature SE) From the novel Anne of Green Gables, Anne wears a hat with flowers in it to church, and is criticized by her neighbour and adoptive parents for it: ...
Allure's user avatar
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Has there ever been any examples of persecuted people hiding treasure in British churches before they flee somewhere?

(I'm writing an historical fiction story.) Have there been cases of persecuted people who hid their wealth in a church? Who would they be? Who are they fleeing persecution from? Why were they being ...
pelican's user avatar
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