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Names of articles worn by men of ~11th century European nobility

Would anyone be able to name the articles of clothing that would usually be worn by men of noble status in Europe around the 11/12th century CE? A general answer would suffice, as I realize that "...
Yaakov Schectman's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What did the Crusaders really wear?

What did those who walked the First Crusade wear? I'm not just talking about the noblemen etc. but also the poor people who allegedly went (or is that a myth?). And how did they dress according to ...
user4898's user avatar
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5 votes
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Were there buttons in the Holy Land?

I'm looking at clothing and dress from the period during the crusades and I suspect that buttons might have been something the crusaders took back with them from the Levant. They start popping up in ...
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