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2 answers

Which European country first introduced wristwatches to China and why is it called 手表?

As a native French speaker studying Mandarin Chinese, I couldn't help but notice that the Chinese term for wristwatch, 手表 (hand-show), is quite similar to the French term "une montre" (a &...
Winter's user avatar
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Why did the French return all the Dutch Colonies to the Netherlands in Paris Treaty?

It seems to me that France helped Holland a lot in the Fourth Anglo-Dutch War. And also gave all Dutch colonies back to Holland in the 1783 Treaty of Paris? I was wondering why was that and what ...
ladybug's user avatar
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In the French Empire, what was the difference between french colonies éphémèras and comptoirs français?

Just a quick question I've been unable to google an answer to. I was looking at this map, to get a better idea of the progress of French colonialism in the 19th century. A couple of google and word ...
Random's user avatar
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3 answers

How did the British and French train their troops during the colonial eras?

From what I saw in movies, during many battles throughout the 1700s to early 1800s involving the French or British armies, rows of troops from both sides would fire volleys of bullets into each other ...
Spongebob Squareroot-pants's user avatar
2 votes
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Mali - French colonial rule

So I'm researching the time of the french colonial rule in Mali at the moment. But there are some thing I don't understand, especially the part where the Mali region gets "added"(?) to french-sudan. ...
Bitte Wenden's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Did France actually intend to colonise West Australia and were any resources assigned to this objective prior to 1829?

The Wikipedia article about the History of Western Australia mentions that the British set up a military garrison at King George Sound in 1826 and established a colony on the Swan River in 1829 in ...
LateralFractal's user avatar
15 votes
7 answers

Is there a correlation between the colonial power and the stability/success of the post colonial state?

Looking at the history of Ghana relative to many post-colonial African states, it appears to be quite a successful and stable nation-state, both politically and economically, compared to many other ...