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Why did Shock Therapy fail so badly?

Why did shock therapy fail during perestroika? Has shock therapy ever worked in other situations? Was it responsible for the creation of the nomenclature and oligarchs? Are there any authors who ...
An Individual's user avatar
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What were the limitations on possession of wealth in Soviet Russia and how were they enforced?

Specifically: How were workers compensated, was wage equal everywhere? If not - what affected the variations? What were the limitations of possession of money and/or assets? How were they enforced? ...
Uri's user avatar
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Why did the Soviet Union's economy grow fast in the 1950's-1960's?

Communist economic systems self-implode. Today it has been recognized that Communism is bad for economic progress. There is no dispute that Communism makes countries poor based on what has happened in ...
curious's user avatar
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Kazakhstan and anti-capitalism in the 1990s

What drove anti-capitalist sentiments from Kazakh intellectuals and economists in the 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union? It is my understanding that Kazakhstan was a low level ...
franklin's user avatar
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How would one have gone about setting up a business during Communist Revolutionary China?

In 1966, Mao Zedong launched a movement towards Socialism, to, solidify his power after a disastrous Great Leap Forward, called the Cultural Revolution. Though the movement moved towards a total ...
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