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Questions tagged [communism]

An ideology derived from socialist theory of the nineteenth century. Communism defines a condition in which socialist development has lead to the virtual elimination of economic class. This is ultimately achieved by worker ownership and control of the means of production (defined as the tools & facilities which produce goods). Throughout the 20th century multiple nation states claimed either to have achieved communism or to have been developing it.

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Was Lassalism persecuted in the USSR during the Stalin period?

Background Ferdinand Lassalle was the founder of the General German Workers Association (ADAV), which is considered as the first organized labor movement (at least in Germany) and would later evolve ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Were any members clergy (priests, rabbis, or imams) in the USSR members of Communist party or KGB operatives?

Inspired by question Were there in the USSR monasteries decorated with Soviet orders?. Although religion was contrary to the dominant Marxist ideology (but see Christian Communism), it was tolerated ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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How did Mao regain and consolidate power after the Great Famine?

Mao Zedong's position had weakened after the Great Famine, and in the period during and leading up to the Cultural Revolution, he regained and consolidated his power. I am interested in getting a ...
user56834's user avatar
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Was Zhivkov under house arrest partly for inciting racial hatred?

So I was randomly reading about Tohor Zhivkov. The Guardian states: Zhivkov, who has since died, was tried and sentenced to house imprisonment, partly for inciting racial hatred in a 1980s campaign ...
More Anonymous's user avatar
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What was the Chinese Communist Party's organizational hierarchy in the two weeks between 15JUL1927 and 01Aug1927?

According to Zhang Guotao, Nanchang Upgrising (01Aug1927) was Li Lisan's initiative inaugurated and proposed by Zhou Enlai to Zhang GuoTao. The decision to go ahead was made between Zhou Enlai and ...
George Chen's user avatar
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Kazakhstan and anti-capitalism in the 1990s

What drove anti-capitalist sentiments from Kazakh intellectuals and economists in the 1990s following the collapse of the Soviet Union? It is my understanding that Kazakhstan was a low level ...
franklin's user avatar
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Why did the French SFIO abandon its anti-militaristic views after Jaures' death?

Before his murder on July 31st 1914, Jaures and the SFIO attempted to unite the workers of the different European countries to not take part in what became WWI. However, only two days after his death, ...
user1627466's user avatar
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Are there biographies on Boris Shumyatsky that included his history before 1921?

Zhang Guotao in his memoir recounted his meeting with Shumyatsky in 1921. The then King of Siberia was very busy but managed to treat Zhang with a private dinner in his home. After the dinner, Zhang ...
George Chen's user avatar
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Was there communist opposition to the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan?

I was told to come here from Politics SE so this is a repost. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to support the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan government. This obviously led to much ...
pillowcase99's user avatar