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Questions tagged [cultural-history]

Culture, from the Latin "to cultivate", references both the combined experience of a population and the works created by them. Thus culture is ultimately a combination of societal mores and taboos, historical memory, attitudes, and a people's contributions to literature, stagecraft, painting, sculpture, and other forms of art.

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-2 votes
1 answer

Did people comment on Yukio Mishima's sexuality while he was alive?

Yukio Mishima had many run-ins with same-gender attraction: He visited gay bars His novel Confessions of a Mask has homosexual elements and is similar to his own life His novel Forbidden Colors has ...
Atomic Tripod's user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Did renaissance actors learn their parts by heart?

The actors [in renaissance theatre] did not prepare their parts. Instead, a person backstage whispered the lines to the actor just before he was going to say them. According to Peter May, Headway ...
wgtwob's user avatar
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What is the history behind Berber ritual tattooing and its cultural significance?

I am trying to research the historical significance of the Berber practice of ritual tattooing, but I am struggling to find any detailed information. Specifically I would like to know about the origin ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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1 vote
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When was the first documented modern practice of Trick or Treating on Halloween?

The origins of Halloween are assumed to be rooted in pagan traditions and the holiday of Samhain. However during the years the Halloween traditions have become more mainstream and have lost a lot of ...
Bella_Blue's user avatar
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3 votes
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What does 145 mean in "Tsuu T'ina 145"?

"Tsuu T'ina Nation 145 is an Indian reserve of the Tsuut'ina Nation in southern Alberta, Canada." What does 145 stand for in "Tsuu T'ina 145"? I understand "Tsuu T'ina" ...
Maurice's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Is there evidence that the ancient Persians debated every matter once sober and once drunk?

An interesting comment on this question led me to investigate the claim that the ancient Persians would debate every matter once whilst drunk, and once whilst sober (with no particular emphasis on ...
user99478's user avatar
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Which artist had a special exhibition in the Kunstmuseum Bonn in summer 2012?

In the Kunstmuseum Bonn in Summer 2012, I can remember there was a special exhibition on show about an (probably American) contemporary abstract expressionist artist who did graffiti like abstract art ...
Christoph Mark's user avatar
2 votes
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How were the Ryōjin Hishō (Treasured Selection of Superb Songs) authenticated?

The Ryōjin Hishō is a collection of songs from the end of the Heian period in Japan, compiled by the emperor Go-Shirakawa in 1179. It was notable for focusing songs which were popular at the time, ...
Laura's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Are the dimensions of bricks used in Sumerian monuments like the great Ziggurat of Ur the same as in the Indus Valley Civilization?

We know there were extensive trade ties between the ancient Indus Valley Civilization and that of ancient Sumer. I'm curious if there were cultural transmissions of engineering ideas too. The Indus ...
rd108's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

What is the origin of the expression "I'm the culture they're dying for"?

There is an anecdote about a young man (a poet) being berated by an older woman during WWI where she asks him if he is not ashamed of letting all those other young men die to protect their culture, to ...
user254694's user avatar
-3 votes
1 answer

What is the oldest continuously circulating story that survived until 1890’s? [closed]

What is the oldest continuously circulating story (specifically prior 13th century BCE) that survived until 1890’s? (eg myths/histories etc) I am specifically looking for a myth/story/history that ...
Tzvi K's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Is there a historical trend for people to complain about the laziness of youth, in French culture?

This is a question more about culture than language specifically but I hope it is still appropriate here. It's a common topic in current media commentary (in English) to complain about the problems ...
Mitch's user avatar
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5 votes
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How did the Crusades change medieval Islamic culture?

Background: It's well known that the crusades initiated an east-west contact that led to an exchange between Europe and the Islamic world. Foreign goods, philosophy, sciences, flowed east to west, and ...
Random's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

When did the acceptance of diversity become such an important social goal in Western countries? [closed]

In most Western countries today, embracing diversity is considered both a desirable end and a means to an end[Unsupported assertion]. Every other day sees another academic publication showing that ...
J Li's user avatar
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1 vote
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How culturally different were the small German states within the late HRE? [closed]

I was reading online about the formation of the German Empire and encountered the phrases: At [the time the HRE came to an end] German identity only existed in a somewhat basic and symbolic form. ...
Alister Sinclair's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Have any cultures had a four-element system different from fire, earth, air (or wind), and water?

Ancient Greek culture (Empedocles, Aristotle) had fire, earth, air, and water. Such a system is also known in Buddhism and alchemy. Sometimes the third of these elements is conceived as wind. Hinduism ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Would Jewish Ukranians historically have worn vyshyvankas and integrated Slavic embroidary into their lives?

I am trying to learn about the culture of Jewish ancestors in eastern Europe and wonder what elements of Slavic culture would have been present or distinct from Jewish culture in the area. ...
cr0's user avatar
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Is there systematic cross-country studies about the relationship between individualistic/collectivistic cultures and the number of unique last names?

Anecdotally, more individualistic cultures (e.g. England) tend to have many last names, while more collectivistic cultures (e.g. Korea) tend to have many common last names (Choi, Lee, etc.). Is there ...
J Li's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Was there an East German counterpart to the Goethe-Institut?

The Goethe-Institut is a cultural association founded by the Federal Republic of Germany in 1951. It established offices all over the FRG, as well as in foreign countries, to offer German language ...
Psychonaut's user avatar
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What honorifics and forms of address were appropriate for 17th century Spanish nobility?

My world has a country that is based in quite a few regards on Spain during the 17th/18th century. I would like the readers to feel the honor and prestige of that culture by accurately mimicking ...
Blue Devil's user avatar
8 votes
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Why is there such a dramatic shift in Tamil script during the 3rd to 5th centuries AD?

I have already asked this question in Linguistics.SE but I didn't get any answers and the comments there spoke of historical reasons rather than Linguistics shifts so I'm asking here. Recently, I was ...
WantARevolution's user avatar
6 votes
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Why has the shape of the depiction of Sikh Guru's beard changed?

I was looking at the old pictures of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and Guru Teg Bahadur Ji. I found out that something is odd if we compare them with the modern depictions of both Gurus. I looked for other old ...
Deepak Arya's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Did people in the area the Virgin Mary is said to have lived wear headdresses at the time?

⁹I'm an artist trying to figure out what Mary really would have looked like supposing she was a real middle eastern Jewish person, because I know nothing about the type of cultural dress or ethnic ...
Esper's user avatar
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4 answers

Were there hippies in the USA in 1930?

I was wondering if there were hippies or a group with similar worldviews, around 1930 in Chicago or in general in the USA. I would also be interested in their worldview / philosophy. Are they ...
Drik's user avatar
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How did the Dominican Civil War impact culture?

I'm trying to find information about any cultural changes caused by the Dominican Civil War-- whether that be more or less radical politics, a general move to the right or left, hostility towards ...
John P's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

How and why was the boundary between West and East Berlin decided to be where it was?

I have been trying to find detailed explanations (and, if available, references in English or German about it) to the following about the division of Berlin into West and East sides after WW2: how ...
EliasWagner's user avatar
4 votes
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Was there any significant cultural shift in Russian Empire caused by the partition of Poland?

Wikipedia article on Tsardom of Russia claims that acquisition of Wild Fields and Kiev Academy caused an influx of intellectuals in Russia, which in turn kick-started later reforms by Peter The Great ...
Reverent Lapwing's user avatar
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1 answer

From 1200 B.C. until 100 A.D. did people in the Middle East sit on mats or mainly on chairs? [closed]

Did people sit on mats in the Middle East from 1200 B.C. until 100 A.D. (like some Arabic cultures nowadays) or did they sit mainly on chairs? But maybe the term 'Middle East' is too broad and can ...
Ubiquitous Student's user avatar
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How did Majapahit 14th century timepieces tell the time?

The Majapahit Kingdom existed from 1293-1527. In that period, international trade was already being done. I'm looking at the cultural history and customs from Majapahit Kingdom, and I was wondering if ...
Cerita Saya's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Why didn't Chiang mention technological self-reliance?

In China's Destiny & Chinese Economic Theory, Chiang Kai-Shek wrote that: The two most important ways to understand and utilize man's nature are: First, to preserve the inherited ethics of the ...
Lzn's user avatar
  • 369
0 votes
1 answer

When did the news start reporting 'women and children were killed'

I'm trying to figure out when news specifically started mentioning women and children were killed when reporting fatalities. Does anyone have any reference or idea when this differentiation happened - ...
nykon's user avatar
  • 129
0 votes
1 answer

What is a term for cultural and social influences left by colonial power that has a long-lasting, negative influence? [closed]

I'm currently doing research on colonial effects on North African countries, and one aspect I want to comment on are both the positive and negative effects of the previous colonial power. Some of ...
qxzsilver's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is the Krishna (a god within Hinduism), an appropriated historical figure?

Some people on quora etc, put claims to redefine the events within in the Hinduism theology as verifiable & scientifically true historical events and in such an attempt, the Mythological narrative ...
novice's user avatar
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1 answer

Were there religious wars between two sects in Hinduism?

Shaivism and Vaishnavism, are two major sects within the umbrella of Hinduism, each with a different deity as their Supreme God. This difference, is thought to have, in the ancient and even recent ...
novice's user avatar
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Can anyone help identify this statuette?

The statuette has been in my family for 3 generations now. It is presumed to be from Morocco and was brought to us before the second world war. It is damaged and it had an ivory rosary that was stolen ...
EIRISONI's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why are some cultures historically more modest than others? [closed]

Ancient Greeks, for example, were obviously very comfortable with nudity, as reflected in a lot of their art. On the other hand, Islamic cultures value modesty much more. And of course there are ...
cassadia.68's user avatar
2 votes
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Did the Duke of Cambridge wear rouge?

I'm looking for evidence that the Prince George, Duke of Cambridge - Queen Victoria's cousin and the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army - enhanced his complexion by the judicious and semi-discreet ...
Paul Frecker's user avatar
4 votes
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What does this image symbolize or mean and who is in the image?

Aztec painting shown below sent to me by a friend trying to figure out who it is in the image, as well as what the image itself represents or symbolizes and the meaning behind it all as well as the ...
Joseline Molina's user avatar
8 votes
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Where can I find a historic recipe for red cherry-onion jam?

A while back, I had duck with red cherry-onion jam at a medieval restaurant. Allegedly, it was a historic recipe, originally prepared in 1445 for the wedding of one of René d’Anjou’s daughters. As for ...
user149408's user avatar
1 vote
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What is the origin of lighting candles on birthdays?

What is the origin people start lighting the candles on birthdays. Also please explain what is the reason/logic behind it?
Mehraj Malik's user avatar
20 votes
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What are the hay effigies in this Japanese movie?

I am moving this question from Movies.SE in hope of getting the answer here The movie The Blind Swordsman Zaitochi (2003) takes places somewhere in a small town in Japan, probably around the 19th ...
Yasskier's user avatar
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How did Juneteenth come to be the primary national celebration of the end of slavery in the United States?

Wikipedia explains that the celebration of Juneteenth (originally Jubilee Day) began in Texas and later spread to other parts of the South. The date commemorates June 19th, 1865 when General Gordon ...
Brian Z's user avatar
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7 votes
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How widespread was the use of red ochre by sapiens in prehistory?

It appears that red ochre, color based on iron oxide, has been used very abundantly by prehistoric peoples, especially sapiens (Homo sapiens sapiens), but also to a lesser extent, Neanderthals. ...
0range's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Why did Rome adopt Greek culture?

Initially, I understand the Macedonians had a Greek culture (Art, Religion, etc) because they were Greek. But then the Romans dominated the Macedonian Empire and adopted their culture too, and that ...
Elizabeth Middleford's user avatar
3 votes
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When and how did Seethekami, the tribal version of Ramayan, come into existence amongst the Haalaki in Karnataka?

Ramayan, an ancient Sanskrit text, though true or not forms an integral part of numerous cultures not only in India but in several Asian countries. But across cultures and this text is not consistent ...
Anshul Sahni's user avatar
5 votes
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What was the first college in an English-speaking country to use Latin in their motto?

I have looked at many universities and seen how in English speaking countries, their mottoes tend to be written in Latin. What was the first college/university in an English-speaking nation-state (...
Tyler Mc's user avatar
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Perception of the state by an average person in pre-modern times [closed]

I would like to better understand the experience of being governed and interaction with the centralized state (or lack thereof) in pre-modern times. A cursory search did not return anything ...
jarm's user avatar
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What are the historical equivalents of cooperative storytelling like modern role-playing games?

I understand the direct history of RPGs mostly coming from Dungeons and Dragons, which had grown out of the combat game Chainmail, but I am wondering if there were any close equivalents in older ...
Inshal Chenet's user avatar
4 votes
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What is the origin and significance of karahafu (唐破風)?

The karahafu (唐破風) is perhaps the most instantly recognisable Japanese architectural feature, yet it's origins are not well established in Western literature. Folk etymology suggests that the style ...
R. Burton's user avatar
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What exactly is a Tang dynasty 壺 (pot)?

I have asked this question on Chinese Stack Exchange but received no satisfactory answer there so far. I think it is relevant to the History Stack Exchange and will link these two questions together. ...
Johan88's user avatar
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