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Questions tagged [diplomatic-history]

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What happened between India and Myanmar in 1962 that led Myanmar to support separatism in India?

As far as Myanmar is concerned, some misunderstanding was created in the Indo-Myanmarese relations after 1962. This prompted Myanmar to allow Indian insurgents to use its territory. Source : Institute ...
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Is this excerpt from an AI-generated answer re Portugal in WWII based on any real events?

In this question re. Lisbon in WWII, an AI-generated answer (now deleted) contained the following text: One of the notable aspects of the German embassy in Lisbon was its involvement in the so-called ...
Jan's user avatar
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Why didn’t the USSR and CCP reinstate ties after Mao’s death?

With Hua Guofeng and especially Deng Xiapoing’s rise to power, why wasn’t there a thaw and rapprochement in their ties, as the main divide was the rift in ideology between the USSR and Mao’s Stalinist ...
Evamentality's user avatar
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Has diplomatic immunity ever been ignored in modern times?

I know that after Pearl Harbor the Japanese diplomat Kurusu was interned until an exchange of diplomats could be arranged and then was able to return to Japan. I also recall that in the more distant ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Were there Jewish diplomats in Nazi Germany?

It is pretty well known that Nazis discouraged US companies from having local representatives who were Jews. I imagine it did not happen all at once and the way foreign Jews were treated was quite ...
releseabe's user avatar
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Did any Western consulates remain open or re-open after WWII in the same buildings in which they had resided in Wuhan, Hebei, China?

The recent CNN article From one-time Chinese capital to coronavirus epicenter, Wuhan has a long history that the West had forgotten Two generations ago, this city of 11 million people, on the ...
uhoh's user avatar
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4 answers

Have any countries peacefully merged into one country? [closed]

Have any countries peacefully merged into one country? I am particularly interested if a modern example exists.
Max Young's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Which Catholic priests were given diplomatic missions?

Fernández de San Vicente was a high-ranking priest appointed by Mexico's government for a diplomatic mission to the Californias in 1822. Despite being nominally in the same country¸ the isolation of ...
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11 votes
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When in September 1939 did the British diplomatic mission leave Warsaw?

On September first 1939, at 4:45 in the morning, the Schleswig-Holstein opened fire on Danzig/Gdansk. September twenty-second is when German troops completed their encirclement of Warsaw. Somewhere in ...
Mastrem's user avatar
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Collaboration between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter after the 1980 election

After Ronald Reagan defeated the incumbent Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election, in the midst of the crisis of a large group of American diplomats being held hostage in Iran, it was obvious that they ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
8 votes
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Was Nixon's "Madman Theory" effective?

Definition of "Madman Theory": The madman theory is a political theory commonly associated with U.S. President Richard Nixon's foreign policy. He and his administration tried to make the ...
David D's user avatar
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Why do foreign dignitaries inspect guards of honour upon arrival?

I've been watching videos of various dignitaries (heads of state, heads of government, important officials, etc.) arriving for state visits in foreign countries. I noticed that upon disembarking from ...
Flux's user avatar
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Did Truman play the piano in Potsdam to annoy Churchill with Chopin?

I'm listening to a radio show with many interesting guests on themes that somehow connect to current politics. But this apparently prominent historian claims that during the conference in Potsdam 1945,...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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Religion in European international politics after the Peace of Westphalia?

Thirty Years' War started out as a war of religion, and then almost all European entities got involved in it. It was concluded by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which led to a great deal of changes ...
taninamdar's user avatar
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What was the name of the Ottoman-Spanish truce in 1580?

As I'm reading the history of the Western Mediterranean about this period, I found many references to a truce between the Ottomans and Habsburg Spain in 1580. For example, Wikipedia - Habsburg Spain: ...
user69715's user avatar
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Historical Examples of Child Exchange between cultures or nations [closed]

Are there historical examples of a noble or other representative of a nation-state exchanging his own child or other children from his nation-state with those of an enemy, in order to solidify a ...
Desiree's user avatar
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What responsibility did Golda Meir have for the Yom Kippur war?

I read in the book "The Iron Wall" by Avi Shlaim, there was a description of the Yom Kippur war that happened due to Golda Meir's insistence on keeping parts of Sinai and not trading them to Egypt ...
XWorm's user avatar
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What's the earliest example of a permanent embassy?

In all the accounts I've read, when the great empires of the ancient Mediterranean needed to talk to each other, they sent an ambassador or a messenger. As in, someone from Country A brought a ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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When did Australia declare war on Germany in WWII

In 1939, Australia had not ratified the 1931 Westminster Statute, and so lacked an independent foreign policy. Menzies recognised this by saying in 1939, that as Britain was at war with Germany, so ...
Samuel Russell's user avatar
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What was the foreign policy of 1791 France?

Having done some research on my own had yielded little to no results on pre-radical revolutionary France regarding foreign policy. I am specifically looking for arguments during the constitutional ...
Sorcerer Blob's user avatar