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Questions tagged [dutch]

The Dutch language as spoken in the Netherlands and parts of Belgium.

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19 votes
3 answers

What exactly happened with beer and Leeuwarden in 1487?

On the history page for the day July 24th at Wikipedia, one of the events listed as happening that day is: 1487 – Citizens of Leeuwarden, Netherlands strike against a ban on foreign beer. This claim ...
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9 votes
1 answer

What is the painting within this 17th c. painting?

At the center of The Sciences and the Arts, a 17th-century painting attributed to the Flemish painter Adriaen van Stalbemt, two men in the center appear to be discussing a smaller canvas on which a ...
Erick Verran's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Who was the 18th century French eccentric who proposed the Dutch colonize SW Australia?

Some time ago, I read a story on the internet about a French eccentric/scientist living in the 18th century who had studied climate zones on the Earth. He came to the conclusion that there were a ...
Fedor Alexander Steeman's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Which is closer to Old Dutch? [closed]

The Dutch dialects spoken in Belgium and the Netherlands are diverse, but if a general statement can be made, which, as spoken today, is closer to the root of the language?
Deathkill14's user avatar