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11 votes
3 answers

What is the first (black,red,yellow) flag on this poster?

In the poster below (dated around 1960), I can identify all flags except the very first one. It is a tricolor flag with vertical stripes, being black, red and yellow/gold from left to right. ...
Ezueneok's user avatar
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7 votes
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What does this Swiss banner/blazon/coat of arms/flag stand for?

The blazon can be found on the Basel town hall It depicts two war axes that are crossed. The other flags depict banners of states of Switzerland, the one to the right is Wallis. More pictures of the ...
Toskan's user avatar
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1 answer

Flag with 13 white stars and a crescent on red background

What flag is this? I saw this flag as a sticker on a car from another country. I could not recognize the plate so I do not know its nationality. My search on Google/images resulted mostly in the ...
Ginasius's user avatar
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2 answers

What flag has a blue-grey background and an orange-outlined green cross?

I have a picture of a flag but I do not know where it's from. The cross indicate that it's likely European and it looks very much like the Swedish flag. Which country has this flag?
Ole Petersen's user avatar
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6 answers

What is the flag in this 17th century painting?

I'm doing research on a painting 'Koppertjesmaandag' by Adriaen van Nieulandt in 1633. In the right corner of the painting you can see a couple of ships with their flags. One in particular is a gold ...
L.O's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Did any part of the Netherlands ever use this flag?

Was there ever any part of the Netherlands which had this flag? Guilherme Paula - Public Domain
Ovi's user avatar
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4 answers

Flag with dark border and light inner?

This picture features twice a flag with a dark border and a light inner: which flag is that? From left to right we can see: an Italian flag a British flag a striped flag, possibly USA a tricolor ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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