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Questions tagged [flags]

For questions about flags and their historical use and design, as well as for similar design uses such as on shields and surplices.

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19 votes
4 answers

Flag with dark border and light inner?

This picture features twice a flag with a dark border and a light inner: which flag is that? From left to right we can see: an Italian flag a British flag a striped flag, possibly USA a tricolor ...
o0'.'s user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Who created the Korean Unification Flag?

Wikipedia: The Unification Flag is a flag designed to represent all of Korea when North and South Korea participate as one team in sporting events. Still according to Wikipedia, in recent years the ...
nic's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

Was coat of arms of Afghanistan of 1928 influenced by Soviet symbols?

This is the flag of Afghanistan with a coat of arms as of 1928: As you can see, it includes a wheat wreath, red star and the sun, all elements typical for Soviet-style coats of arms. Yet the state ...
Anixx's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Why did Kabila discard the name and flag of Zaire?

Early in Mobutu's long spell in power he instituted a policy of Authenticité, promoting African names over colonial ones. As part of that policy the name of the country was changed from Congo to Zaire....
Tea Drinker's user avatar
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