Questions tagged [foreign-policy]

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3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Did any Western consulates remain open or re-open after WWII in the same buildings in which they had resided in Wuhan, Hebei, China?

The recent CNN article From one-time Chinese capital to coronavirus epicenter, Wuhan has a long history that the West had forgotten Two generations ago, this city of 11 million people, on the ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Why was 'France' excluded from Henry Lane Wilson's clique during the Mexican Revolution?

The book by Friedrich Katz, The secret war in Mexico, mentions that the USA minister Henry Lane Wilson organized in part the overthrow of president Madero during the first phase of the Mexican ...
user2820579's user avatar
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Why did Lovett, McCloy and Bundy want to resign from their US cabinet positions in September 1945?

Why did Robert Lovett (Assistant Secretary of War for Air) John J. McCloy (of the War Department) Harvey Hollister Bundy (liaison to the Office of Scientific Research and Development) want to ...
Ken Joyce's user avatar