Questions tagged [indian]

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9 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How did Indian diets change after arrival of Muslim kings?

I would like to know how did the diets of people changed due to the new kingdoms that came in and took over the Indian Subcontinent. Was it earlier more vegetarian due to religious reasons and shifted ...
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Birth date of Adi Śankaracharya

When was Sri Ādi Śankaracharya born exactly? In Wikipedia and elsewhere there have been controversial dates, one claiming a birth in the 5th century B.C. and another around A.D.730-780. Why is there ...
vidyarthi's user avatar
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How is Goswami's stand on nationalism distinct from Andersons'?

Benedict Anderson in his 'Imagined Communities' argued that nationalism is modular, that is transplanted to the third world without acknowledging the agency of the intellectual elite, by simply ...
Aparna's user avatar
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How did the Jats come to own so much land in North West India?

I am interested in history of Jats which live mostly in states of Punjab, Haryana, Western U.P. , Rajasthan. I am not reading from historians of the Jat community as they wrote in Hagiographical Style ...
James's user avatar
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How do Dambadiva kings fit in Indian history?

My question, I would like to know whether any space in Indian history to fit Dambadiva kings in Indian history rather than keeping them only in Buddhist books? or it feels like they were foreign ...
Inka Wais's user avatar
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Why Nawab Shirajuddawla lost in the battle of Palashy (Plassey)?

I know that Nawab had 50000 soldier but on the other side English soldier was 3000 and I also know that because Mir Zafar and some other guys Nawab lost the battle. My question is only for Mir Zafar ...
user70421's user avatar
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Why did not M.K. Gandhi support plea towards suspension of Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, Sukhdev's execution?

It was a known fact and most of the historians state that there was a clash of opinions, ideologies between these two individuals - Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (M.K. Gandhi) and Bhagat Singh, where MK ...
N00b Pr0grammer's user avatar
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Why did Rabindranath Tagore marry such a young girl?

Rabindranath Tagore's family was a part of the Brahmo Somaj and even his marriage with Bhabatarini Roy later named Mrinalini Devi, was completed following the rules of Brahmo Somaj. But my question is ...
Sarban Bhattacharya's user avatar
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How did Muhammed of Ghouri die?

Indians believe that Prithviraj Chauhan killed The Muhammed of Ghouri, but according to history Muhammed of Ghouri died after the death of Prithviraj Chauhan. Prithviraj's tomb is disrespected in ...
Ajay Raj Singh's user avatar