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What happened on July the 5th, 1943, at the Gerbini airfield on Sicily?

I read on this site an event that happened on July, the 5th 1943: About 30 Flying Fortresses which set out to bomb the Sicilian airfield at Gerbini are attacked by more than 100 enemy fighters, 35 of ...
totalMongot's user avatar
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When and why did garum disappear?

Garum or liquamen was, apparently, extremely popular in classical Rome, consumed by rich and poor on a daily basis, almost on par with bread. It was also known to other Mediterranean civilizations. ...
Michael's user avatar
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What are the stages of traversals of the Mediterranean Sea?

Different tribes and nations have existed all around the Mediterranean sea in the bronze age and later. They would know their land-neighbors, and may have communicated and traded with each other ...
tkruse's user avatar
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Why did a Venetian colonel defect to the Ottomans during the siege of Candia?

Following up on my interest in the Knights of Malta, I got to reading about their part in the Cretan War which went on from 1645 to 1669. This led me to the siege of Candia. This started in 1648 and ...
Stew's user avatar
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Did galley captains put corks in the mouths of slave rowers to keep them quiet?

I’m reading Sword and Scimitar by Simon Scarrow and there’s this bit about rowers in galleys of the Knights of St. John (Malta). In the story, it is important the Knights' galley keeps silence so that ...
Stew's user avatar
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What is the likely ethnic origin of the Minoans?

Ever since the discovering and unearthing of the Knossos Palace in Northern Crete over 100 years ago, Archaeology and History have learned a great deal about "The Minoans"-(or Ancient Cretans). ...
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What do the four castles on the flag of Ibiza represent?

The flag of Ibiza consists of four horizontal, red stripes on a yellow background. Each corner of the flag contains a seven-tower castle above a wave. What is the significance of the four castles? ...
terminex9's user avatar
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The Code of Corsairs of Mediterranean of the Middle Ages

How was the code and operating rules of the corsairs of the Mediterranean used, such as by Barbary Corsairs or Knights of the Order, during Middle Ages? There are references to agreements in the ...
Can's user avatar
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What was the name of the Ottoman-Spanish truce in 1580?

As I'm reading the history of the Western Mediterranean about this period, I found many references to a truce between the Ottomans and Habsburg Spain in 1580. For example, Wikipedia - Habsburg Spain: ...
user69715's user avatar
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Is there a relationship between the Pelasgians and Sea Peoples?

Wikipedia describes the Pelasgians as follows: all the indigenous inhabitants of the Aegean Sea region and their cultures before the advent of the Greek language. And that these people where seen ...
Notaras's user avatar
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Is there a link between the Sea people and the Trojan War?

Are there any known links between the Trojan war and the sea people invasions of the late bronze age, or any theory linking the two? I know that the approximate dates for both roughly coincide, and ...
Slereah's user avatar
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When were Roman Emperor's faces placed on coins?

During an emperor's reign, were coins (i.e. sestertii) minted the year they became emperors, the year they stopped being emperors, or right in the middle?
VAlexander's user avatar
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Construction of the Great Cothon of Carthage

I'm fascinated by the Great Cothon of Carthage, but when I try to learn more about it online, there's surprisingly little information. Everyone has physical descriptions of the size and shape, but ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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How much is known about the Punic language (of classical Carthage)?

How much is known of the Carthaginian language, which as I understand it is called Punic and descended from Phoenician? Google searches show some sketches of alphabet characters and such, but do we ...
Nerrolken's user avatar
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Why didn't the Ottomans besiege Malta after 1565?

The Great Siege of Malta didn't work out but one would think that given the crucial strategic position of Malta, the Ottomans would have made another attempt at a later date. Why didn't that happen?
Felix Goldberg's user avatar