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Why did China and some other communist countries boycot the 1980 Summer Olympics?

The 1980 Summer Olympics was held in Moscow, Soviet Union. Many countries boycotted the games initiated by the United States for Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan. But there were some communist ...
Etack Sxchange's user avatar
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What is the correct timeline of events for the boycott of the Olympic Games 1980 in Moscow

Coming from the recent question of How did the US government manage to enforce the 1980 boycott of the Olympic Games in Russia? and a comment in that thread I kept wondering. Who was the first and ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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How did the US government manage to enforce the 1980 boycott of the Olympic Games in Russia?

The 1980 Olympics was famously boycotted by the US and a sixty five other countries. However it's not clear to me how the US government was able to prevent their athletes from participating, given ...
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