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What is Lenin critically referring to here - presumably some actions by Trotsky?

What is Lenin referring to here? "Discerning reader”: note that this does not mean “blowing up bridges”, organising unsuccessful strikes in the war industries, and ·in general helping the ...
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7 votes
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Why are the facades of some residential buildings in Paris, France, tilted?

In a major city that has an historical center, the standard list of attractions seldom includes what, in my opinion at least, constitutes the area's most important part: historical residential ...
Ricky's user avatar
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Which 4 states were not present to ratify the treaty of Paris on January 14th, 1784?

Which 4 states were not present to ratify the treaty of Paris on January 14th, 1784
user48742's user avatar
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Were there any missing opera actresses in Paris between 1881 - 1910?

As you might have guessed (or maybe not), my question was merely risen by the mystery of the Opera Ghost, from the Phantom of The Opera written by Gaston Leroux. I have been all over the internet in ...
StackOverflowUser's user avatar
5 votes
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Was it possible for an 11-year old boy to travel from the north of Scotland to Paris in 1777? [closed]

I'm researching a musical scholar called John Gunn, born 1766 near Golspie, north of Inverness in the far north of Scotland. He describes a musical performance in Paris that he witnessed in 1777 (and ...
George Kennaway's user avatar
5 votes
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Did Louis XIV flee from the Louvre or the Palais-Royal on 5th January 1649?

When visiting the Louvre once with a guide, she mentioned that the young Louis XIV, on the night of 5 January 1649, actually escaped from Palais-Royal and not from the Louvre as it is usually ...
WoJ's user avatar
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What does "free and independent states" mean in the Declaration of Independence? [duplicate]

The Declaration of Independence declared the United Colonies to be "free and independent states," with the following context: We, therefore, the representatives of the United States of America, in ...
Tom Evans's user avatar
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Did Man Ray photograph Nimet Eloui Bey in the all together?

I'm currently researching the photographer and model Lee Miller and the photographers, painters and models she knew, as well as anyone else to whom she was close. One of the people Miller was closest ...
chancellorofpaphos's user avatar
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When was fire breathing banned from Paris Métro?

I see on youtube that fire breathing was allowed or tolerated in Paris Métro in 1982. However, I have never seen any fire breather between 2000 and now. When was fire breathing banned from Paris ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
7 votes
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Had the French in Paris started to learn German before their liberation in 1944?

One of Donald Trump's recent tweets states: Emmanuel Macron suggests building its own army to protect Europe against the U.S., China and Russia. But it was Germany in World Wars One & Two - How ...
luchonacho's user avatar
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What activities for children were there in Paris in the 1930s (that were not also available in the countryside)?

I've been watching the show Les Grandes Grandes Vacances recently and in the first episode a 12 year old kid complains about the countryside being boring and wanting to go back to Paris. This ...
Max Vollmer's user avatar
13 votes
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What are the dates of these panoramas of Paris?

As part of a personal project I've been looking for period etchings, engravings, and black and white illustrations of Paris as it might have looked during the French Revolution of 1789. Those who are ...
Random's user avatar
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31 votes
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What happened to these buildings near the Seine?

I was looking at these before after images and was concerned what happened to these beautiful buildings near the Seine in Paris. Were they destroyed in a war? Has there been any attempt to reconstruct ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Why did Paris name a metro station and a street after Étienne Marcel?

During the hundred year's war, Étienne Marcel did not recognize Charles V as a king and led an opposing power in Paris. Given that Charles V managed to settle his legitimacy later, how come France ...
anderstood's user avatar
1 vote
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Did the Sword of the Republic really fall from the Arc de Triomphe on the first day of the Battle of Verdun?

According to several sites - none of which offer sources or citations - the Arc De Triomphe de l'Étoile was damaged on or near the same day that the Battle of Verdun began in February 1916. These ...
Wad Cheber's user avatar
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What was the Sully wing in the Louvre originally?

I'm trying to find an exact idea of what the state of the Louvre was in 1677 during the reign of Louis XIV and the beginning of the Poisons Affair, particularly the Sully wing. Would it have still ...
Charlotte's user avatar
15 votes
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Please help find these paintings

I've read in a book written about 80 years ago descriptions of 3 paintings, the paintings were seen about 130 years ago. These are the descriptions (translated to English): Painting #1 Painting of ...
Researcher's user avatar
5 votes
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How did St. Genevieve manage to feed the Parisians during the 10-year-long blockade?

This is what Wikipedia has to say: Late in the 3rd century AD, the invasion of Germanic tribes, beginning with the Alamans in 275 AD, caused many of the residents of the left bank to leave that ...
Ricky's user avatar
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What alternatives to working was proposed in Paris during May, 1968? [closed]

What ideas for alternatives to work, or a society where people work to survive, did people have during May 1968 in Paris? How could that society function and how could people feed themselves? I've ...
user1689987's user avatar
6 votes
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Flag of Paris: Why blue and red?

The flag of Paris is blue and red. What was the red chosen for? What was the blue chosen for? I have heard that blue identified with Saint Martin, and red with Saint Denis, but the Wikipedia pages ...
nic's user avatar
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What was the judicial body in 16th century France called?

I was listening to a series of audio lectures on Religious wars in Europe. In the lecture on French wars of religion, there was a mention of a judicial authority in Paris. However, I couldn't catch ...
taninamdar's user avatar
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Moving day in Paris, France in the 19th century

Is it true that rental agreements or leases in Paris France all used to start/end on the same day? I think this would have been in the mid/late 19th century or earlier. I know Quebec, Canada had a ...
John B's user avatar
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How many Germans were killed in action in the taking of Paris, 1940?

Could the following possibly be true? Quote from Andrew Roberts, The Storm of War, 2009, p. 330: The original quote can be found here: The Beginning of the Road, by Vasili I. Chuikov, p. 158. (...
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