Questions tagged [population-transfer]

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29 votes
5 answers

Are there historical instances of the capital of a colonising country being temporarily or permanently shifted to one of its colonies?

When the Portuguese Royal Court (over 15,000 souls) fled the Napoleonic invasion of Portugal in 1807, and installed itself in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Rio became the capital of the pluricontinental ...
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15 votes
5 answers

Why and how were east Brandenburg, Pomerania and Silesia taken away from Germany after WW2?

These areas have always been German, in fact Pomerania and Brandenburg were both part of Prussia since the 1700's. Why did the Soviet Union do this, and how did the victorious powers justify taking ...
Evil Washing Machine's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How was the Czech sudetenland repopulated by Czechs?

After Nazi Germany's defeat in 1945, many Germans from former minority communities were expelled from central europe. In addition to that, two significantly large areas with German majority were ...
Bregalad's user avatar
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10 votes
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How many German expellees returned to the Hungarian People's Republic?

During and immediately after World War II, millions of ethnic Germans were forcibly expelled from the countries of eastern and central Europe. Hungary was a somewhat reluctant participant in this ...
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