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Questions tagged [socialism]

For questions about historical ideologies, movements, or socio-economic/political systems that either commonly identified as socialist, or are otherwise characterised by the social ownership of the means of production.

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3 votes
3 answers

During the time of the German Empire, were Polish or Jewish people permitted to join the Social Democratic Party?

According to Wikipedia, the Social Democratic Party (SPD) of Germany was founded in 1890. The German empire was founded in 1871: Inside of this territory, there were many people who were ethnically ...
Astor Florida's user avatar
5 votes
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Was Lassalism persecuted in the USSR during the Stalin period?

Background Ferdinand Lassalle was the founder of the General German Workers Association (ADAV), which is considered as the first organized labor movement (at least in Germany) and would later evolve ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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3 answers

Were there universities that treated socioeconomic status as a major factor in college admissions? [closed]

For many years I have been asking myself the same question: Are there universities that treat socioeconomic status as a major factor in college admissions (without taking race into consideration at ...
UniformIntegrability's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Did (other) PRC or Soviet leaders give 3+ hour congress speeches?

Fidel Castro is well-known for giving 4- or even 7-hour speeches. Xi Jinping gave a 3h 20min communist party congress speech. How does the latter compare to typical PRC or Soviet leaders speeches at ...
Suzdalia's user avatar
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What was the official theoretical journal of the communist party of the USSR?

Like other ruling communist parties the propaganda organs of the USSR would have also published material covering theoretical topics relating to building socialism, communism, etc. These materials ...
M. Y. Zuo's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

Why wasn’t the USSR “rebranded” communist?

I found that the Third International in 1921 sponsored a worldwide transformation of former “socialist” parties (that was concretely related to the rejection of so-called “reformism”, to be somewhat ...
Filippof's user avatar
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Why did Mao use political mobilization to prevent inefficiency and slack? [closed]

China just followed the Soviet Union model and inevitably encountered the same problems that socialist countries all suffered in the 1950s and 1960s. That is the lack of incentives of people and the ...
Lzn's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Did Lenin approve of Mussolini’s march on Rome?

Did Vladimir Lenin send Mussolini a congratulatory telegram when Mussolini successfully marched on Rome in 1922?
Dajake's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Did any deputies in the USSR ever get recalled via provisions in the 1977 constitution?

Many socialist countries, including the USSR, had provisions in their constitutions for recalling deputies by voters/citizens. For instance, 1977 constitution of the USSR has Article 107. Deputies ...
tuomas's user avatar
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If Hitler was a far right fascist, why did he say he wanted a socialist state? [duplicate]

Everything I read (from seemingly reputable sources) says the Nazis, although having "Socialist" in their name – were really far right fascists. They also, apparently, worked to eradicate ...
Tim M's user avatar
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1 answer

Where in Pittsburgh did the 1883 Congress of the International Working Peoples' Association meet and write the Pittsburgh Proclamation?

Saw this question unanswered on Reddit. Avrich's The Haymarket Tragedy puts this congress (Oct. 14–16, 1883) in an evening reception in Allegheny City's Turner Hall the night before, but doesn't ...
Wolf's user avatar
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1 answer

Why did the Party "Deutschkonservative" vote against renewing the "Sozialistengesetze" in 1890?

The German conservative Party "Deutschkonservative" voted in 1890 against the annual renewal of the "Sozialistengesetze" ("Laws against the revolutionary machinations of social democracy"). This ...
Giorin's user avatar
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3 answers

Did China's life expectancy at birth rise 30.5 years from 1960 to 1980? If so, what were the particular changes made to their society's structure?

I have been reading The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy by Minqi Li. The author reads like a fan of Mao and is succeeding in convincing me I need to dig deeper in to the ...
Double Who's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Statement Issued by Communist Party regarding Collectivization: Contradictory?

As seen in the following statement issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party: ( Addendum to point 20, Politburo minutes no. 94 ...
Mario Ishac's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

How does Louise Bryant's assessment of how the Soviet Union would fall hold up at the beginning of the 21st century?

Louise Bryant, an American bohemian spent six months in Russia during the turbulent times that presaged the October Revolution - and which she wrote up as Six Red Months in Russia. In her conclusion ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

What access did people in the Warsaw pact countries have to Western television and radio?

Did people in socialist East Germany and Central Europe really watch Western television as casually as Westerners did, during the cold war? Were there laws against it? Were TV and radio receivers ...
LocalFluff's user avatar
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1 answer

Was Fascism capitalist or communist or as many say, was it a "third type" of ideology? [closed]

Was Fascism capitalist or communist or as many say, was it a "third type" of ideology? I have searched wikipedia and other sources but due to different opinions, I am confused.
Excalibur's user avatar
2 votes
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Did the Diggers view property as a sin?

The song, "World Turned Upside Down" by Leon Rosselson, says: The sin of property We do disdain No one has any right to buy and sell The earth for private gain Does this mean that the ...
tox123's user avatar
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19 votes
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What were the key factors to the fall of domestic socialism in the USA?

During the late 1800s, and early 1900s the United States saw the rise of trade union membership, the coming and going of the populist party, and watched the progressive era come to institute reforms ...
esnowrackley's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What is 'real socialism'?

I have been assigned a monograph about the countries of real socialism. While I understand the topic and have been successful at writing up the work, I am having difficulty in finding a definition for ...
djsp's user avatar
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When did the socialist movement start becoming noteworthy in Russian history?

I'm not a historian but I've always been intrigued by modern Russian history, from the socialist revolution to the present. I'm thinking of reading more on the subject and want to know how far back in ...
rg255's user avatar
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2 answers

Did Engels and Welles ever call for the extermination of Basques and Serbs?

Someone in some scribble in a matter-of-fact way made this assertion. Is it based on fact? Here's the original quote (in Russian) and its googletrans + my light fixing: Фридрих Энгельс упоминал о ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
2 votes
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Did Ben-Gurion attend a lecture by Trotsky in New York in 1917?

I came across this statement: 1917 B-G (at 30) meets Russian-born Paula Munweis at Trotsky lecture, who works with B-G on political articles. In Dec. they marry in City Hall. The author of the ...
Felix Goldberg's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

When and where did Louis Blanc say the famous "from each according to his abilities..."?

It seems that everyone agrees that Louis Blanc was the first to say "à chacun selon ses besoins, de chacun selon ses facultés", which is often translated as "from each according to his abilities, to ...
DVK's user avatar
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