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Questions tagged [toponymy]

The history and etymology of place names.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Why is Shandong named Lu?

Shandong, a Chinese province, is sometimes known as Qilu, after the Zhou dynasty states of Qi and Lu. However, its name is further shortened as Lu. For example, Shandong cuisine is known in Chinese ...
congusbongus's user avatar
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Was the village of Campalagian in West Sulawesi originally a Cham settlement?

I could not find any evidence on this, except an ancestral story my grandparents told me. My great-grandmother was said to come from Campalagian, a village near Polewali, in West Sulawesi. They said ...
jonvyltra's user avatar
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Why is the city of Armenia in Colombia so named?

One of the medium-sized cities in present-day Colombia, with a population of around 300 thousand, is called Armenia. According to its Wikipedia entry, some people believe it was named in memory of the ...
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