Questions tagged [zimbabwe]

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What was Rhodesia like before independence? [closed]

I have heard a lot about Robert Mugabe in my time, and he mostly seemed like a good example of how not to run a country. Now that he's died, I'm seeing a lot of articles talking about his supposed "...
Supercreature's user avatar
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Did the MDC draw support from former ZAPU voters and politicians?

In the late 80s, Joshua Nkomo's former organisation ZAPU was taken over by Mugabe's ZANU. Did the MDC draw any former ZAPU politicians in? Did it draw support from the same ethnic groups and areas in ...
Ne Mo's user avatar
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Why did ZANU (instead of ZAPU) come to power after the Rhodesian Bush War?

Given recent events in Zimbabwe, I am curious about the country's origins, and have been reading various articles on Wikipedia, mainly on the Rhodesian Bush War. Why did PRC-supported ZANU win and ...
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11 votes
3 answers

Why would the Rhodesians trust Blacks in their Army?

I was reading about Rhodesia and found that there were Blacks serving in the Rhodesian Security Forces. The caption of this photograph asserts that they were the majority of the military! I would ...
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