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2 votes

How, where and when did Lily Pettigrew die?

The Brazil information all seems to have nothing to do with my great-great-aunts, Lily and Hetty. Hetty died in Croydon Hospital, south London in 1953. Lily died in Chichester Hospital in 1944. I have ...
Neil Pettigrew's user avatar
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Why are the roads in the Fucino Plateau misaligned by 1.2 degrees compared to the cardinal directions?

The Earths magnetic poles move over time, causing the direction of "magnetic north" to vary with time. m Here is the direction of magnetic north over Central Italy in 1875, based (most ...
Pieter Geerkens's user avatar
6 votes

Why are the roads in the Fucino Plateau misaligned by 1.2 degrees compared to the cardinal directions?

There is a second, older map showing a proposed grid in Leon de Rotrou: Prosciugamento del Lago Fucino eseguito dal principe D. Alessandro Torlonia: Confronto tra l'emissario di Claudio e l'emissario ...
ccprog's user avatar
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-5 votes

Why are the roads in the Fucino Plateau misaligned by 1.2 degrees compared to the cardinal directions?

Human visual perception is limited by the resolution of the retina. The retina contains 6 million come cells which is 2,500 per side. This means that anyone eyeballing a value will be off an average ...
Dudi's user avatar
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2 votes

What does a "boat crimper" do?

Joseph Kelly (crimper) History Kelly, later called "The King of the Crimps", received his "Bunko" nickname in 1885[note 1] by providing a crewman that turned out to be a cigar ...
user72889's user avatar

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