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27 votes

Have there been any plausible reports of killing polar bears with a bone spring?

Yes. Looking for 19th century sources this comes up in the Bulletin of the United States National Museum, Volume 27, 1884: 21 SPRING TRAPS- ANIMAL TRAPS BEAR TRAPS Made of whalebone strips bent and ...
justCal's user avatar
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14 votes

Was it really illegal to trade gypsum from Canada to the United States in 1820? Why?

Entering your question into google results in the Plaster War The problem persisted for years and in 1816-17, the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia colonial governments passed complementary laws that ...
MCW's user avatar
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2 votes

Why did the US give up the portion of Vancouver island below the 49th parallel but insist on keeping Point Roberts?

Question: Why did the US give up the portion of Vancouver island below the 49th parallel but insist on keeping Point Roberts? Short Answer: It was a pragmatic, compromise by both parties to resolve a ...
JMS's user avatar
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Map of Canada from about 1912? Or earlier?

This map appears to be the same as an ebay offering, where it is described as A beautiful antique VICTORIAN map on fine quality paper GOOD condition and rescued from a disbound atlas: BACON'S NEW ...
kimchi lover's user avatar
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Can you identify this Empire flagged c1913 single stack ocean liner?

The SS. Meganic. For sure. She has the same stern anchors, lifeboat numbers, and one aft lifeboat on either side. The bow wheel deck design is similar from what we can see in the photo as well.
thebigmanwhichismedylanyeaname's user avatar

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