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53 votes

What is the oldest European royal house?

In terms of continuously dateable genealogy, it is probably the Bagratids of Georgia, the current head of which is disputed between three branches. The Georgian branch was founded by Adarnase in the ...
Semaphore's user avatar
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47 votes

Was there really a navy officer named Picard at the Battle of Trafalgar?

Conclusion from the below, as well as other answers: There was a senior French naval officer named Picard, who by 1814 was Captain of Vessel (namely Scipion (1813)) equivalent to a Royal Navy Captain....
Pieter Geerkens's user avatar
24 votes

Was there significant interbreeding between Romans and Native Britons?

The answer to your question is actually to be found in the two articles you have mentioned. Official figures show that the UK population was 65.6 million in June 2016. A little under 50% of the ...
sempaiscuba's user avatar
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16 votes

Was there significant interbreeding between Romans and Native Britons?

From both a narrative (general history) and scientific (genetics), the answer is No (there was not a lot of interbreeding). (We get more precise as we go from narrative history to genetics, as shown ...
J Asia's user avatar
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15 votes

Was there really a navy officer named Picard at the Battle of Trafalgar?

This 1829 source, Histoire des combats d'Aboukir, de Trafalgar, de Lissa, du cap Finistère indicates there was a Picard in command (at some point) of a ship, the 74-gun Scipion, equivalent to a third ...
justCal's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the oldest European royal house?

"The oldest noble family" is a somewhat fictional concept: When a 'House' starts or ends is somewhat arbitrary, and not uniformly handled throughout European history. There were countless exceptions, ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
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9 votes

Was any other religion as exact in terms of genealogy as Judaism?

The Sumerians did in fact have a very similar work, the King List. It predates the "begats" of Genesis by a considerable margin. Like about a millineum and a half. Most likely it was done ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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8 votes

What is the oldest European royal house?

Short Answer: Nobody knows for sure. Long Answer It is very complicated. A royal pedigree in the agnatic (male only) line that is more or less totally proven and accepted by everyone who studied ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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7 votes

Is Carolyn Seymour (the actress) related to Alexander von Benckendorff (the Russian statesman)?

Related, probably Yes. Descended from, probably Not. Of course a quick look at the wiki page for Alexander von Benckendorff tells us the connection isn't one of descent : Children 3 daughters So ...
justCal's user avatar
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6 votes

Was there really a navy officer named Picard at the Battle of Trafalgar?

There's actually a handy Wikipedia page for the Order of Battle at Trafalgar. Looking it over, there doesn't appear to be a "Picard" captaining or acting as an Admiral on any of the ships of ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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5 votes

Who is the most ancient person with the biggest lines of descendants that have been fully attestted?

Short Answer: The asker doesn't understand the complexities of the question. Long Answer: The question actually asks for three different answers: One) The person who lived the greatest number of years ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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What is the line of descent from from emperor Louis III to Henry VII?

The short answer is yes a little research can trace the ancestry of Emperor Henry VII back to Emperor Louis III, but to accept that lineage you have to overlook the doubt about the ancestry of one ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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5 votes

What present-day monarchs descend from Rodrigo de Borgia, a.k.a., Pope Alexander VI?

PART ONE: General discussion. Here is the simplest way I know to research such questions: Here is a link to the surnames list at the Genealogics website. ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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4 votes

Was there significant interbreeding between Romans and Native Britons?

1 million isn't "a lot", it's only a few percent of the male population of the British Isles. But that's not the worst that's wrong with your assertions. Not only do you assume implicitly that no ...
jwenting's user avatar
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4 votes

What is the ancestry of the Robertians, progenitors of the Bourbon dynasty?

While, I have not been able to verify the claim that Tassilon the first was the father of Charibert or any other claim as to Charibert's ancestry, I have found many different claims as to who he ...
Benjamin's user avatar
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Was there significant interbreeding between Romans and Native Britons?

Your question seems to answer itself. As in yes, per your first source they have interbred to the tune of the UK having 1M or so people with Roman ancestors. Romans intermixed of course - they did so ...
Denis de Bernardy's user avatar
4 votes

Who is the most ancient person with the biggest lines of descendants that have been fully attestted?

It is alleged that Kung Yu-jen, born in 2006, whom is the son of Kung Tsui-chang has the longest ancestral lineage in the world, and is a direct descendant of Tang of Shang 1675–1646 BC, via ...
John Strachan's user avatar
3 votes

What is the methodogy used to determine the exact genetic flow from one area to another and the times in which it flowed?

Having just read A Short History of Humanity by Krause and Trappe, the argument seems to be as follows: You calculate a "distance" (i.e. probably some useful metric) between the genomes e.g. ...
Jan's user avatar
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3 votes

Did the proto-Indo-Europeans displace or overlay the pre-existing European tribes?

Update - February 21, 2017: A new study ... Genetic data suggest that modern European ancestry represents a mosaic of ancestral contributions from multiple waves of prehistoric migration events. ...
J Asia's user avatar
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2 votes

What is the current academic consensus on Charlemagne's genealogy?

The only thing I found on Google Books that seemed relevant was The Carolingians: A Family Who Forged Europe (1993) by Pierre Riche. Riche traces the ancestry of the family to Arnulf of Metz (c. 582 – ...
Peter Kauffner's user avatar
2 votes

What present-day monarchs descend from Rodrigo de Borgia, a.k.a., Pope Alexander VI?

The (probably incomplete) data from Wikidata shows 12105 descendants of Alexander VI, among them 53 have "ocupation" "sovereign" or a subclass or it and 5 of those 53 monarchs are ...
Pere's user avatar
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1 vote

Who is 'Chlodebaudo/Chlodebaud' in the Merovingian-era Clovis I genealogy & Charlemagne ancestry, supposedly mentioned in a Salic Law manuscript?

There is an available French paper by Ètienne Renard from 2018 focusing on several versions of the Merovingian family tree based on a lost archetype. The paper is available online and the associated ...
R.K.'s user avatar
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Who was the last/is the current count of Orsay?

The last countess of Orsay was Antonia Gabrielle Léontine de Gramont, daughter of Ida d'Orsay and grand-daughter of Jean François Louis Marie Albert Gaspard Grimod, the third count of Orsay. Indeed, ...
KimP's user avatar
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Is Carolyn Seymour (the actress) related to Alexander von Benckendorff (the Russian statesman)?

Carolyn von Benckendorff is from the same Russian branch of the larger Benckendorff/Benekendorff/Beneckendorff Baltic family. There are also other branches of the family from Brandenburg and Luneberg. ...
Pierre Benckendorff's user avatar
1 vote

What is the oldest European royal house?

The branch of the Welf dynasty who were Dukes of Bavaria, founded by Welf I, a son of Albert Azzo II, Margrave of Milan, and his wife Judith (II) of Flanders, widow of Earl Tostig Godwinson of ...
Zoe Porphyrogenita's user avatar
1 vote

Was there significant interbreeding between Romans and Native Britons?

Your first link is easily answered by asking another question: "Is there even such a thing as Roman DNA, distinct from other European DNA?" The evidence says almost certainly not. This is a good ...
Graham's user avatar
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What happened to Children of Prince Halil of Ottoman Empire?

There is a book The Structure of the Ottoman Dynasty Anthony Dolphin Alderson, 1956, 1982 that gives very complete and I hope accurate genealogical information about Ottoman genealogy. Not having ...
MAGolding's user avatar
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1 vote

Names and Genealogy of Hephtalite rulers?

I can give you one more name for your list. The king defeated by the Turco-Sassanian alliance was Khushnavaz. Probably. The Timeline seems disputed however. Reading details on the Sassinid leader at ...
justCal's user avatar
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