6 votes

Did the IRA attempt to point out the innocence of the Guildford 4 or Birmingham 6?

There was at least one occasion when a member of the IRA publically stated that the Guildford Four had been wrongly convicted. During the trial of the Balcombe Street gang in 1977, Joe O'Connell made ...
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4 votes

Is there any historical evidence of Picts originating from Scythia?

Quick google search reveals The research team said the Picts were one of the most mysterious of Britain's ancient peoples, but added it was myth they originated from Thrace north of the Aegean Sea, ...
MCW's user avatar
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1 vote

Is there any historical evidence of Picts originating from Scythia?

What evidence we do have for the Picts shows them to most likely have shared a Celtic origin with the other neighboring peoples of the British Isles of that time. We don't have a lot of their language ...
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