15 votes

Why didn't the linguistic split overlap with the religion split in Prussian Silesia?

The maps are simplifications for a very complicated setup. As such they are misleading in several ways. Spatially they represent large swathes of land with a limited number of gradients to ease ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
9 votes

What is the actual Polish street name of the street in Martinau, now Rokitnica, of Strasse der SA?

In Beuthen there was a Straße der SA, that is now Bytom' ulica Żołnierza Polskiego (Street of the Polish soldier): Map The street was before that the Feldstrasse: Bytom, then Beuthen O.S., ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
5 votes

Why was Zabrze renamed Hindenburg O.S in 1915?

The decision to rename the place from Zabrze to Hindenburg in 1914/15 was not unique to this "big village". WP: Belomorskoje: Belomorskoje (russisch Беломорское, deutsch Hindenburg, bis 1918 Groß ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
3 votes

Did the German authorities respell Polish personal names to be more German during the time of the German Empire?

That is hard to put into actual numbers. What is clear is that this has happened. But it seems that Rhineland Poles, in the most Western part of Prussia – were subject to such practices on a much ...
LаngLаngС's user avatar
3 votes

Did the German authorities respell Polish personal names to be more German during the time of the German Empire?

The names were distorted while they were written down by the clerks, especially during issuing certificates of various kinds. It was a problem for lower class citizens - the nobility kept their own ...
Anna Mydlarska's user avatar
2 votes

When did Silesia become a part of the Holy Roman Empire?

Short Answer: The duchies and prinicpalities in Silesia became part of the Holy Roman Empire whenever their dukes and princes became directly subordinated to the Emperor of the Romans, or whenever ...
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