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How solid is the claim that Alfred Nobel founded the Nobel Prize specifically because of his invention of dynamite?

Although it seems like a twist of logic to me, a contemporary account by a personal acquaintance of Alfred Nobel claims that Nobel considered his activities in furnishing war materials a contribution ...
njuffa's user avatar
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How solid is the claim that Alfred Nobel founded the Nobel Prize specifically because of his invention of dynamite?

Nobel himself worked on improving [high-]explosives 'insensitivity'. 'Pure' dynamite was indeed only one of his inventions, albeit perhaps his most successful one, commercially. He actually reused the ...
Suzdalia's user avatar
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14 votes

How solid is the claim that Alfred Nobel founded the Nobel Prize specifically because of his invention of dynamite?

Even if nowadays dynamite is not used as an explosive, and even if it was quickly overturned by other substances, it was a game changer at the time of its invention. Dynamite was used in the military ...
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