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guest271314's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
3 votes

Was race really unimportant in the 1660's?

3 votes

Is there any evidence of armies enrolling women in fighting roles in significant number in antiquity or the middle ages?

3 votes

How is fact checking and referencing done in historical studies?

1 vote

Emancipation Proclamation in a tweet

1 vote

Has there ever been a major migration from the New World to the Old World? If not, why?

0 votes

Who is the first person in the 17th century to describe themselves as a "white" person and who invented the term "white race"?

-1 votes

Why were blacks still victimized in the Northern states after slavery's abolition?

-4 votes

How extensive and developed was the ancient Kushite (Nubian) horse trade?

-4 votes

Was there a European response to the trail of tears?

-4 votes

In view of the widespread use of the term "Semitic", which groups of people are classified as being of Hamitic ethnicity?

-5 votes

How did Christianity replace Roman Paganism and other ancient religions?

-6 votes

Will Hegelian or Dialectical historiography regain any relevance into the contemporary historical discourse?

-7 votes

When did people first recognize the estimate sizes/scales and nature of celestial bodies?

-10 votes

Does modern scholarship accept an Ethiopian or Nubian origin for Egyptian hieroglyphs?