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Branko Sego's user avatar
Branko Sego
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
18 votes

How regularly did the Romans bathe?

17 votes

How did Yugoslavia economically survive the Cold War

16 votes

Was it ever deemed illegal to translate the Qu'ran?

15 votes

Does the ancient Egyptian religion still have followers?

12 votes

Rape perpetrated by American soldiers during WWII?

10 votes

Was it Bismarck who said: "He who is master of Bohemia is master of Europe"?

10 votes

What caused Yugoslavia to switch sides early in World War II?

8 votes

Why did Central and South American nations participate in WWII?

8 votes

How democratic was Imperial Germany?

8 votes

Who owned Franz Josef islands between 1918-1926?

6 votes

How much of Nazi iconography came from Hitler?

5 votes

Why were there civil wars in Croatia and Bosnia, but not in Slovenia or Macedonia?

4 votes

Did Heydrich actually take orders from Himmler?

4 votes

Why America waged war against Vietnam?

4 votes

Why did France put so many resources into fighting Algeria in comparison to its other former colonial holdings?

4 votes

Was the Bosnian Crisis the trigger to WWI and not the assassination?

3 votes

What was the fate of most SS members after World War II?

2 votes

Three rings (wreaths?) symbol in XIX century Russia

1 vote

Link between Mary I and Bloody Mary

1 vote

Did Imperial Japan choose to ally with Nazi Germany because of ideological similarity?