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Lennart Regebro's user avatar
Lennart Regebro
  • Member for 12 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
41 votes

Who believed the earth was flat?

33 votes

Why were there no religious wars in Poland?

33 votes

Hitler's Death: Fact or Fiction

29 votes

Did Heisenberg undermine the German atomic bomb by deliberately hiding his expertise from the Nazis?

29 votes

Did Hitler not intend a major war while invading Poland?

26 votes

Is Kemal Atatürk responsible for Armenian Genocide?

26 votes

Why did the "Ruthenians" break up into "Belarusians" and "Ukrainians?"

26 votes

Is the claim that Hitler came to power democratically justified?

25 votes

Did Antarctica remain entirely unvisited by humans until the early 19th century?

25 votes

What are the immediate legal effects of rendering a royal branch illegitimate?

25 votes

Why did the Soviet Union's economy grow fast in the 1950's-1960's?

24 votes

What did Germany do after World War II to recover so successfully that it became more prosperous than its WW2 victors?

24 votes

Where was the pre-war (ww2) border between Poland and Germany?

22 votes

How did Germany rebuild so quickly after World War I?

22 votes

Why don't people without access to clean water drink beer anymore?

21 votes

Did Akhenaten's religion influence early Judaism?

21 votes

Why is such big density of churches in medieval towns?

19 votes

Why are many African nations poor?

19 votes

Is there a correlation between the colonial power and the stability/success of the post colonial state?

18 votes

Was the attack on Pearl Harbor totally unexpected?

18 votes

What evidence is Chomsky alluding to when he states the US is preventing a settlement between Israel & Palestine?

17 votes

What is the 'rank switching' done by Roman Legionnaires in HBO's 'Rome' called, and did it actually happen?

15 votes

Was Christopher Columbus Polish?

15 votes

Do any Egyptian hieroglyphics mention the ten plagues?

14 votes

Did JFK win the presidential election by fraud?

14 votes

Where did the money come from to build the Colosseum?

14 votes

What were the factors that aided Margaret Thatcher in her victory against the trade unions when her predecessors failed?

13 votes

Are there any historians who believe that the crusades were not motivated as a distraction from internal conflicts?

13 votes

How much faster/better were European printing presses compared to Chinese block printing?

13 votes

What advantage did Napoleon gain by attacking and antagonizing the Catholic Church?

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