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Samuel Russell's user avatar
Samuel Russell
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • nil
  • New South Wales
3 votes

Why would this word have been an unsuitable name in Communist Poland? Is it because it's a racial slur?

4 votes

Why did Nazis burn 628 Belarusian villages to the ground?

6 votes

Was writing material for to-do list accessible in medieval Europe?

3 votes

How did the accounting and capital organization system work in communist countries like the USSR?

3 votes

Why was wearing an orange lily so offensive as to warrant assault in Ireland in 1845?

1 vote

What was 250,000 rubles worth in 1918?

-2 votes

Why did some regions end their prehistory much before others?

6 votes

Is there a formal ontology for documenting historical timelines?

2 votes

What is the price of modern warfare compared to medieval in terms of GDP?

-4 votes

Why is Marx more prominent than Engels?

5 votes

Why have we settled while foragers used to be healthier instead?

0 votes

Why is Germany's history of colonialism and imperialism less prominent compared to other European nations?

5 votes

How did conditions in Nazi labor camps and the Gulag compare?

4 votes

Why wasn’t the USSR “rebranded” communist?

-1 votes

What was the relative social status of a "grazier" in Victorian England?

1 vote

How can I evaluate the relative fiscal burden on different groups in the US, for various periods between 1790 and 1846?

3 votes

What determines whether slavery is economically efficient in industrialized/modern era economies?

4 votes

In the past, why was timezone change based on year?

13 votes

Did line infantry units have designated marksmen?

-2 votes

Why did the USSR have two sources of currency?

3 votes

Are there alternatives to tripartite periodisation of history?

2 votes

Why didn't Sir John Kerr just call an election?

2 votes

Are stories passed down from generation to generation considered primary sources?

2 votes

When did commercial entertainment begin?

5 votes

Is there a name for the critical method of assessing historical narratives via the consultation of primary sources?

-2 votes

What incentives were there for Soviet and Chinese politicians to try climb to the top when there was so much history of deposing their own?

1 vote

How did the Bolsheviks fund their government?

2 votes

Barring 1784, when has UK Parliament's legal sovereignty over-ridden the electorate's political sovereignty?

3 votes

What received constitutional understandings did Pitt break in 1784?

7 votes

What does a "wage" mean in the time of 'The Odyssey'?

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