Napoleon's centre of gravity for his army was fast mobility and forced marches. thereforeTherefore, he enforced training for his troops to live and forage ofoff the land this. This worked within Europe where fertile lands made this practice easy. organisingOrganising his army into corps and Regimentsregiments, he was able to ensure a fluidity and freedom of movement within the battlespace this. This is more exceptional when you take into account that he faced enemy'senemies with the same technology (peer to peer).
Russia was a different matter entirely the. The invasion was planned during 1811 in Germany he. He crossed into Russia in 1812. hisHis estimation of the campaign was that, due to his 600 000,000 troops, the Russian czarCzar Alexander would immediately surrender. heHe estimated it would take a total of three weeks. The
The Russian generals newknew they could not beat Napoleon head on already. Already knowing his tactics and taking advantage of his need to bring Russia to healheel quickly, to ensure the reinstatement of the effectiveness of his "continental system", Russia's troops kept withdrawing further into Russia and only. Only taking part in small skirmishes in order to ensure the French army never relaxed. Then Russia stated to commit to scorched earth, burning the winterswinter's crops so the French could not utilise them.
When napoleonNapoleon got to Moscow he was athad 300 000,000 troops (some historians say 200 000,000) the Russia. The Russians burnt Moscow to deny Napoleon the ability to rest and recuperate there. Napoleon withdrew from Russia trying to avoid the scorched earth, however Russia, the Russians attacked napoleonsNapoleon's army forcing them to go back alongthrough the scorched earth whenareas. When Napoleon eventually got back to Germany he had a meagre 30 000,000 troops.
Napoleons Russia campaign is not so much a lesson in failure of logistical systems more so a lesson that an army must always strive to eliminate any weakness within logistical systems as there is nothing that will control how an army can utilise a battlespace more.