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Mar 25, 2021 at 9:37 comment added rs.29 @MoisheKohan I'm not saying that what happened to Wallenberg was right . But 1) he was not US serviceman 2) his name is known, and it did raise a lot of stink for USSR . Currently, we don't have any any name and rank of US serviceman from WW2 supposedly captured by Soviets. As I said, it is 2021, and it is highly unlikely there would be such a name in the future.
Mar 25, 2021 at 7:22 comment added Moishe Kohan @rs.29: Right, and that, seemingly was the reason of Wallenberg's arrest by SMERSH in January of 1945, when USSR and US were still allies. So, whatever arguments you have for "highly unlikely," apply these to Wallenberg's case and see if they hold water. Could it be that some US servicemen were arrested by SMERSH because of a "suspicion of espionage"? (Article 58-6) Of course.
Mar 25, 2021 at 4:15 comment added rs.29 @GorttheRobot Well, it is 2021, no name has surfaced or any other concrete evidence . I would say it is highly unlikely it ever will. All these articles mix up POWs from WW2 , Korea and Vietnam . I would say it is either complete lack of knowledge or purposeful bad journalism and sensationalism.
Mar 25, 2021 at 4:10 comment added user15620 I'm not saying it's concrete evidence. I'm saying it's enough evidence to regard it as more likely than "highly unlikely", at least with out some explanation of why Yeltsin might have lied.
Mar 25, 2021 at 4:05 comment added rs.29 @GorttheRobot Well, one of these names accompanied with the rank would be interesting evidence :) Considering what now and then passes as news, I would not put much fate in journalism without facts. Again, public and official statement from Moscow would undoubtedly had to have names and ranks, as well as official apology and even remedy (like return of bodies) .
Mar 25, 2021 at 4:04 comment added LаngLаngС Point being: I do not have good enough srcs for either way; just public broadcast TVdocs, one WP entry person (indirectly himself 'a case' due to lack of precision in Q) claiming to be witness of many such cases, one listed explicitly w/o ref on enWP. You present a theory, running with it. Eg, you're presented a TVdoc that alone claims for 1 example case. witnessed by othe active GIs, 5000 US POW headed from Elbe to Odessa, 2000 arriving home, rest unaccounted for. Died, remained POW, labored-down at Vorkuta-like-gulags, became communists? Or totally false?
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:59 comment added user15620 My second quote was from an ny times article but the LA times explicitly says 'Soviet authorities detained 119 American servicemen “with Russian, Ukrainian or Jewish names"...' I can't say as to the veracity of the claims, but major newspaper reportage and the claim coming from a Russian Prime Minister means the claim must be taken seriously...
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:53 comment added rs.29 @GorttheRobot Again, no names and especially no ranks. Citizen is not the same as US soldier (seaman, airman) .
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:51 comment added rs.29 @LаngLаngС Thousands of POWs would have thousands of names and ranks. Instead, you have a man like Noble who was a resident of Third Reich, possibly sympathizer.
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:50 comment added user15620 (However, only a handful: "...but that 119 American citizens with Russian, Ukranian or Jewish names were kept behind. Of the 119, most were subsequently returned to the United States, but 18 died in Soviet custody and some who had been forced to renounce their citizenship remained in Soviet prison camps "for a long time," he said."
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:49 comment added rs.29 @MoisheKohan Raoul Wallenberg was not a member of US armed forces. He could have been a member of OSS according to newer documents.
Mar 25, 2021 at 3:46 comment added user15620 This LA Times article gives Boris Yeltsin as a source that some US POWs were detained by the Soviets, and that some were killed or forced to renounce citizenship
Mar 24, 2021 at 23:36 comment added LаngLаngС Pure speculation? There are stories about thousands of POWs, plus 'special' stories like (which himself is arguably grey-area for this Q, but a vocal witness) Please upgrade the level of evidence presented here.
Mar 24, 2021 at 23:02 comment added Moishe Kohan One possible motivation would be the same as with Wallenberg. But without accessing primary documents one simply cannot tell.
Mar 24, 2021 at 22:43 history answered rs.29 CC BY-SA 4.0