As a academic myself, let me say this..."Academia could learn from those who are experienced with the subject matter"..., hands on so to speak. Like the farrier above who actually works with the product of these people's discussion instead of taking as valid only those who discuss and possibly disgust those listening politely.
Science begins with the one WORKING and speculating about their work...not the person watching and commenting on the actual endeavor. It's not the curious intellectual who began metallurgy and even the transition of the Bronze to the iron age...but instead it was the smith's and ferriersfarriers who thought and improved their crafts...not the intellectual who thought himself better. That
That being said, the iron age didn't begin in the south of the Levant and "work" it's way northward as a previous post implied. We have records found in Hattusa and letters between the Hittite kindking and a vassal king where the Hittite king (Hattusa in northern Anatolia) is sending what he calls "good iron" to his vasselvassal king as a gift along with a good iron dagger, and this was well within the so called "bronze age".