Ways to answer this:
How dideffective were the French officers and soldiers rate their own effectiveness relative tofighting forces after the Americans and Brits? (Diaries, letters, reports, etc)
How did French government officials rate them?
How didcreation of the British and Americans rate themProvisional Government of the Fourth French Republic on June 3rd 1944?
If a German division knew they were going Ways to get attacked by the French, were they more or less scared than if the Americans/Brits were attacking?answer this:
How did the French officers and soldiers rate their own effectiveness relative to the Americans and Brits? (Diaries, letters, reports, etc)
How did French government officials rate them?
How did the British and Americans rate them?
If a German division knew they were going to get attacked by the French, were they more or less scared than if the Americans/Brits were attacking?