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@aeismail I think there are valid arguments on both sides of this issue. That principle became a matter of law after a few Supreme Court decisions. The make-up of the US Senate, for example, violates that principle as it is derived directly from the Constitution. The Senate as an institution has a moderating influence on the national discourse -- I think democracy is about more than tallying votes.
Kennedy allowed Federal workers to seek collective bargaining. Perhaps there was a replacement of politically appointed employees with civil service employees?
@RoseAmes Casualties in tat era don't necessarily equal victory. The difference between the Napoleonic period and the US Civil War is that technology advanced to a point that a decisive victory in the field was no longer possible. Destroying the means of production and attrition ruled the day. Grant was the first General to figure that out... Unfortunately that lesson had to be re-learned, at a dear cost thanks to the machine gun and TNT in the first world war.